The diagonal can also be seen as separating the ZO or OZ of Zodiac. Tunney has played characters called Zoe 3 times thus far in her career. For example...
Tunney as Zoe in Cherish with the bulls eye on her leg.
This crosshair is the location of Robin from a scene in the film.
In House MD's pilot (first image above) we see Robin with the Philips logo on heard head. Directly above we see the target of the Philips Head screw.
Again a target as x-ray crosshair on Tunneys leg in House MD.
Tunney through the globe toped portal in Prison Break (Episode 22)
On the Checkerfloor above (E2) and inside the Checker Cab (E21) belowThe Earth bound chariot of the gods.
To follow this context see the videos below.
Checker Chariots of the Gods
The Contact? Check! (Trilogy)
The heavenly chariot, the spaceship.Spaceship interdimensional gateway jumping in "Supernova".
The Tricky Tunney Target. As part of a medical crew the target is seen on all member uniforms.
"The Stargate Queens'" latest Hollywood role in "Hollywoodland" (above) can be connected back to the Himalayas. She becomes engaged to the original Superman actor George Reeves (Ben Affleck) in the movie. This lets her synchromistically resonate Lois Lane.
Please note: The octagonal cross-quarter references in this series stem directly from the research of Goro Adachi
Superman has made many memorable synchromystic appearances in the past including this gem from the musical "Godspell". Jesus Christ in a Superman T-Shirt dancing atop the unfinished World Trade Centre! Many more super-syncs in the video below.
(More mind bending Superman super-syncs in this video)
911 Time Lords Across the 4th Dimension (Comic Book Cycle 4)