This is my first time representing the work live, cool.
In other news Rob Bryanton from Imagining The Tenth Dimension, book and blog, has posted a vlog about this work. Thanks Rob!
Jake Kotze and Mystical Numbers
Rob also talks about the fascinating, syncnificant and grossly overlooked film "The Nines" in John August and The Nines
Here is a recent "Blob" post with some thoughts on Rob's work.
Over at Red Ice Creations a recent interview with Neil Kramer from The Cleaver blog was particularly interesting and syncnificant. Especially the second subscribers half that went into synchromystic resonance and Philip K. Dick's VALIS/Zebra encounter plus book.
Neil brought up the VALIS sync wink from the 4th Season episode "Eggtown", skilfully handled by master Starg8tor Aferrismoon in his post TrunKated.
LOCKE: Help you pass the time.
BEN: [flipping the book over] I've already read it. [puts down book]
LOCKE: You might catch something you missed the second time around.
You can read some further thoughts on Locke and Lost in posts like:Following Hugh Jackman Through The Atlantean Stargate
Opening he Stargate Via Adam Sandler
And videos like Comic Book Cycle 5 A and B
PKD was seen, making waves in the sync pool, during the recent Galactic Center Temple
For a good collection and explanation of K2 syncs see K2 and the 2012 Maya Mega Ritual