Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Stargate Swallows Capitalism (Amended)

I don't follow the news but just seeing the unavoidable headline or two lets ya know that some folks are stressing about the economy.

Luckily the latest "The Economist" seems know the score showing us the reality of what is happening without beating around the bush. Clearly they are telling us that the Aquarian Waterdoor or the Stargate of Cosmic Consciousness is washing away that which resists change. The increasing speed of the spinning mandala we call reality is fluxing its muscle and swallowing what has seemed so solid, diseased or unconscious institutions. All that will remain is what moves with the flow of the Tao and reaches the center. This is no more scary, vivid or intense then this very moment right NOW. In fact it is this very moment, we are starting to realize this, perhaps it only syncs in when we reach a consensus about its mechanics.

The entire great year is ending as we move into Aquarius from the last house of Pisces, illuminating the abundance of water imagery involved in this brand of Stargate research.
A Zodiac wheel from "A monument to the End of Time" and "Galactic Alignment" showing the Galactic Alignment and Equinox Cross. Note that if we imagine a line in 3D Space, plotting the Galactic Center-/Galactic Anti-Center Axis (or Dragon) it would extend from Sagittarius' arrow through us moving directly towards the shoulder of Taurus, The Seven Sisters or Pleiades.

We see images of bulls or Taurus, the Galactic Anti-Center, also caught in the maelstrom. We can interpret this as our movement away from the base of the axis towards the completion of the 'astro-alchemy', the 'as above' story playing out "on Earth as it is in Heaven" with its final destination in the Heart of the Milky Way. This is also the end of the Kali Yuga, all entraining with what we popularly call the 2012 phenomena. The process which has been reserved for the individual - consciousness waking up and knowing itself through a person - is happening to the entire species. Perhaps we will fuck it up, drop the ball because of fear. I sincerely doubt it, seeing that You are reading this gives me so much hope. Even if this species fails it will no doubt entrain with other amazing things and realize consciousness in some other interesting way. It's literally a win-win situation!

2012 is corny as hell but functions in the same way the Black Oracle Illuminated Neo.

Oracle: I'd ask you to sit down, but, you're not going to anyway. And don't worry about the vase.
: What vase? [Neo turns to look for a vase, and as he does, he knocks over a vase of flowers, which shatters on the floor]
: That vase.
Neo: I'm sorry...
: I said don't worry about it. I'll get one of my kids to fix it.
Neo: How did you know?
: Ohh, what's really going to bake your noodle later on is, would you still have broken it if I hadn't said anything?

We don't need 2012 but don't believe it yet so we make up this huge silly drama about "awakening". Even if you don't believe in 2012 you still realize it through that particular game or drama. Perhaps what happens on 2012 is the deep realization of how it was the silliest yet most profound joke of all.

Neo: Morpheus. The Oracle, she told me I'm...

Morpheus: She told you exactly what you needed to hear, that's all.

Being told he is not 'The One' by the oracle fits in exactly with the realization of Neo's Divinity. It's the old Zen insight.

If you need to read this to wake up you are still asleep yet you can only read it if you are already awake...

Comment from Jim
"In response to the economic situation, Bush tonight
said we were in a "serious crISIS." I would KonKur."

Click on image to enlarge. Note the Prez's Eagle or Scorpio (the twin guardian, along with Taurus of Galactic Anti-Center) holding its olives (?) and arrows. The arrow is Sagittarius making the seal (a circular Stargate shape or mandala) a symbol of the 911-2012 or Galactic Center/Galactic Anti-Center Axis or Dragon. This in my mind shows how the Prez regardless of his personal machinations or affiliations still serves the All or Totality. The Prez, like all in the verse, yields to the Centre beyond form.

Isis represents Galactic Center or Cosmic Consciousness... The 'crISIS' is the collapse of the egos attachments.

Bigger post, soon.