Monday, October 11, 2010

Hair Peace

Here is Hair Peace Part 1 starring Patricia Arquette.

The second part will be released soon.

Happy 10.10.10./XXX/binary42!

Hair Peace Part 1 from Syncwinnipeg on Vimeo.

Googled "Hair Peace" yesterday morning before we posted the video and found this image of John Lennon and Yoko Ono doing a peace protest called Bed-Ins in 1969.
What really baked my noodle is that the internet was alive with people mentioning John Lennon's birthday only the day before 10.9.10.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Dead Woman

Made a short and simple video over the weekend, starring muse Robin Tunney, with the message that death in general and of the mind in particular resonates enlightenment.

Dead Woman is more then a little inspired by Jim's The King of Love is Dead Man.