I'm on my bicycle, 'charioteering' of to my evening shift at the Community Center on 101 Pembina - the pay job - when I notice the Subaru logo of a motorist, thinking Pleiades! The company is named after the star cluster Pleiades; in Japanese the name is "Subaru", which roughly translated into English means, "to govern", "unite," or "gather together". Wikipedia Subaru The Pillars Of Hercules Monument at Gibraltar resembling the 101.
Recently a post about 101 by The Stygian Port has made me see deeper meaning in this number. I think of it as Pillar (1) Stargate (0) Pillar (1) while the Center part of my job's (Supervisor/Caretaker) location makes me feel it is resonating Galactic and Consciousness centering.
I had just spent the afternoon with Jim from Nosis, showing me all his amazing footage of 'real time' syncs. I was so pleased with the results, it seems to have inspired me to experiment 'on the fly' with some of my own.
Subaru Galactic Center Sync Wink
Cross-Quarter, associated to Stargate themes, is something I first heard of from the work of Goro Adachi. Goro has made public some concerns about me which relates to the use of these ideas. I feel they are necessary concepts and hope this rift can in time heal or at least find equilibrium. A Zodiac wheel from "A monument to the End of Time" and "Galactic Alignment" showing the Galactic Alignment and Equinox Cross.Note that if we imagine a line in 3D Space, plotting the Galactic Center-/Galactic Anti-Center Axis (or Dragon) it would extend from Sagittarius' arrow through us moving directly towards the shoulder of Taurus, The Seven Sisters or Pleiades. Pleides Subaru (above) Sagittarius The Archer (above) The 'Scarlet Dragon'
"Movie Stars are ‘as below’ resonators of the skies above. Their Earthly movements through the silver screen reflect the drama told by the heavens. It is therefore no surprise that synchromysticism increasingly finds these Stars aligning with the Stargate or Galactic Center."
Stars Nicholas Brendon (Xander) and Alyson Hannigan (Willow) from "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" episode "Lovers Walk". The image appeared in Konsciousness while writing this post, perfectly entraining with the themes Being explored..
On 911 this year I met with the Harvest Moon (timed to coincide as close as possible with the September full moon) Festival's insurers. I was invited to give a workshop about synchromysticism which didn't groove very well with the orthodox Christian beliefs of the local Crystal City couple who do business with the Fest. Me and the gracious organizers met with the concerned party and had a rather intense but polite conversation about beliefs and spirituality. In the end the undeniable esoteric and occult leanings of synchromysticism were found as incompatible with the moral outlook of the husband and wife team who take care of backing the festival's risk management. As the festival's flavor is more about building bridges between rural and urban communities then "Opening the Stargate of Kosmic Illumination" it made sense to acquiesce. Well, in truth I see these goals as compatible and unavoidably intertwined, perhaps it is appropriate to allow some attachments to dissolve when they are ready. Honoring the Moment can be tricky that way..
Its weird and maybe counter intuitive to the mind, but as your 'spiritual muscle' grows you realize that the path of enlightenment and non-attachment/resistance isn't actually 'difficult or challenging'. Being unkonscious, run by the ego and identified with the mind is the real 'hard' path that requires vast amounts of determination. Funny and peculiar then that the majority of humans, at this point, choose to separate themselves from the source and fight life all day long. Walking the path of Being is 'easy', akin to water flowing downhill towards the ocean. It's just that the common path followed by humanity, like water having to be pumped uphill, has so much momentum and participants it seems the obvious course. The same day the first ever synchromystic live talk is Being canceled, the 7th anniversary of the 911 Mega Ritual, this article hits the newsstands. The "Winnipeg Free Press" newspaper of September 11 2008 with front page headline entitled "Ahoy Port Winnipeg"
Recent posts like Galactic Center Temple and Scarlet Dragon have explored the idea that Winnipeg and its Legislature are earthly pointers of Galactic Center or localized Holiest of Holies (HH). The local 'organizers' of Earthly affairs, what we inaccurately call government and their probable and implied associated interlocking secret society networks would seem to be sniffing the same lead as "The Blob". As common sense statement of fact lets just remember that all serves and aligns with Being. Implying that the true 'Illuminati' and 'Ruling Elite' (what ever that 'is'?) can only ever be your own Konsciousness, this is unavoidably implied by the 'power of NOW'. The Center of the universal mandala, the Eye/I and fountainhead from which all - directly equitable the Ark, Holy Grail, Galactic Center and Holiest of Holies - springs, is always Your pure Konsciousness. This would mean that any form arises from and serves Being. In a strange but entirely su'sync't way then the 'New World Order' (what ever that 'is'?), whether they know it or not works for and serves Us, directly. Regardless of what nefarious or unkonscious ego driven goals might be localized in the minds of men, the ultimate is always Being served by all movement. Alignment makes this Konscious thus dissolving attachment or pain. The September 11th article showing Winnipeg as the Black Dot center of the North American continent and explanation of Us as the Heart.
In my current, yet ever changing view, statements made on 911 such as "What does that mean? Instead of Being the gateway to the west this city will be the gateway to everywhere" entrains perfectly with the position of "The Blob". Winnipeg as geographic and symbolic heart has taken on the role of (a or the?) Stargate during the final stages of rapid ascension. The mechanics of how exactly this fits together with the rest of the planets story of spiritual evolution is something that I imagine will take shape as we flux towards Kosmic illumination.
In Scarlet Dragon we equate the Dark Star inside Winnipegs Legislative Building with the Heart of the Milky Way. The idea of a Black Star or Black Hole at the Center of the Galaxy unveils beautiful intuitive relationship between macro- and microkosm. The black hole or pupil of the eye allows the spectrum of light to create all the visual forms we inhabit. Perhaps the Black Hole/Star, in the center of the giant spiraling Kosmic mandala of the Milky Way has a similar function in the creating of perception/reality. During a recent guided tour we even synchromystically encountered this symbol, of the Heart, coincident with the formation of these concepts becoming konscious in Konsciousness. The Heart was fashioned after a Union Jack, the British Flag with its red and white octagram Star. We see it above sharing both the symbolic octagonal Heart of the North American continent and the Milky Way. The festival continued and I was still welcome to stay and enjoy the atmosphere of Clearwater, a town surrounded by sacred burial mounds and other ancient native American intrigue. Stargate Queen Robin Tunney halving an apple while Schwarzenegger (note the zen egg tucked away in there) explains the Masonic pierced Heart symbol to our synchromystic Isis.
On the morning of September 12 after the obligatory Java hunt - one of my most powerful attachments - I was eating an apple while warming myself at a bonfire amongst the tents of us festival goers. I remembered explaining to Jim an idea involving the make-up of the apple the day before at lunch, right after meeting with the insurers. An apple halved in one way displays the pillar or almond shaped eye of the vertical core. The flesh radiates out from the top and bottom in a toroid shape. Tunney holds the red Heart shaped fruit. See me and Jim's short StarMummy video for more valuable context.
This echoes the human subtle body, so beautifully made visible in many Alex Grey paintings. The Core of a fruit and the subtle energy system of the human body share the torus shape. A star/sun and planets magnetic field also resonates with these shapes. I tell Jim that I think there are two primary ways we as a species tend to represent the Divine. Ones from the 'side' or profile, like the tracing board, showing Konsciousness as an up-down system... The pillar systems are associated with cultures that tend to organize society into strict top to bottom movements of wealth and power.
and ones from the 'top' or 'overhead'.... Like this apple below. When we view the Divine, in its many fractal incarnations, like apples in the micro or planets and stars in the macrokosm, from above, we see a totally different kind of symbol system for the same physical aspect of No-thing. Ones that show circles, spirals and like the apple above STARS. In a sense the divine, downloaded into three dimensions and seen from above tends to show itself as mandala or Stargate shapes. From the side IT/US seems like pillars, trees, mountains and pyramids etc..
This duality even shows itself in the overarching male/pillar psyche of the west and female/cup of the east, made vivid by their favorite symbols for the divine. Christians and capitalist dig crosses and $ while the rest gravitate to more circular Star and mandala flavored systems. Because of the imbalance towards the side or profile centric view of God I personally resonate with the above or 'whirl type' view but its obvious that peace and balance lies in accepting and integrating both. The halved apple and other fruit aligning with Star Sarah Michelle Gellar or "Buffy the Vampire Slayer's" Crown. This image entrained with my realization of the apple as symbol of the divine. Movie Stars - at least on the silver screen - are attracting syncnificant symbols towards there Crown Chakra that entrain with the investigation of the corresponding Konsciousness of the viewer, in this case the synchromystic. This effect appears to be non-local, as my personal questing seems to realize the symbols I am looking for, yet at the same time the media Being investigated is pre-existing. As there is no contradiction here we must be looking at aspects of higher dimensionality. Another practical result of this line of reasoning is that the subtle bodies of movie stars are becoming visible to the trained eye. The make-up of the emanations, from the consensus view, would appear to be coincidental set decoration design and wardrobe, allowing for this elegant process to blend seamlessly into multiple reality tunnels. The emanations from these subtle bodies tend to have associated context that help Illuminate the viewer. There is a subtle feedback system here, the mechanics of which are starting to crystallize. In a way it seems trivial what you are investigating synchromystically, be it a classic masterpiece like "2001: A Space Odyssey" or cult "Buffy the Vampire Slayer". The key ingredient to making it syncnificant is the Konsciousness of the observer. Aleister Crowley and Robin Tunney climbed K2 while author Ralph Ellis notes the Great Pyramid is a time capsule left to point the way to this Himalayan peak in "K2 Quest of the Gods"...
As these thoughts and memories play around in my mind I notice a tent (a Tipi and Pyramid resonator) up ahead. From my specific perspective it looks like a kk mountain brand tent logo! I am already imagining asking this company for sponsorship if I ever get to climb K2, when moving in closer I realize its actually only the last part of the Trekk outdoor gear brand. Lets also briefly focus on the magick of Circle R or the copyright symbol. This mysterious symbol is believed by consensus to offer protection against theft! This is quite literally a talisman companies use to mark their territory and protect against infringement by others. However, this is symbol can be found on another syncnificant location that I feel reveals some of the roots of its power. Circle R is the symbol of what I now interpret as my animal guide or familiar, the robin. Above we see the powerful copyright 'protection talisman' on the Heart of Batman's sidekick. I have 'deliberately' photographed a morning glory behind my toy giving him a Plant Konsciousness Halo or Crown. Echart (note the Hart/Heart) Tolle (note the E.T. resonating Kosmic Konsciousness) explains flowers as aspects of plants Being evolved to the point where there subtle bodies have become visible, this facet of the plant intelligence we call flowers. Often stunned by there beauty we give them to our sick and loved ones, intuitive knowing there awesome silent power. A courting human male will often try and Woo Woo Woo with such.
For further multiple personal Robin correlations to my life narrative see Galactic Center Temple and Scarlet Dragon. Better yet, ignore my media familiar and find your own... Character Poster of Chris O'Donnel as Robin (sporting 4 sync winking octagons) for "Batman and Robin"
The Robin connects and points powerfully towards K2 in resonance with the 'kk Circle R' sync wink at Clearwater. Robin Tunney climbs K2 in "Vertical Limit" alongside Chris O'Donnel, Robin from "Batman Forever" and "Batman and Robin". Thus "Vertical Limit" sees cinematic brother and sister plus double Robin's scaling the giant number 2 (Everest Being numero uno). In my mind K2 was one of the earliest Holiest of Holies, Earthly representations of Galactic Center or Kosmic Konsciousness. I found time during rain to do some 'research' on my Ipod, all cozy and cocooned in my tent. Black Star's like Oprah resonate the heart of the Milky Way.
The bright tiny screen in the dark tent with its heavy contrast was playing the final Episode 10 of the epic Echart Tolle and Oprah WinfreyA New EarthWebinar. This was when I saw the final unveiling of what I had started to suspect through synchromystic clues. By becoming very aware of and interested in what 'touches' or 'sync kisses' movie Stars, in frame, I had started to develop a sense I couldn't yet put into words.
To read more about my sync relationship with Oprah, including her opening a school in South Africa 15min drive from where I grew up see Following Hugh Jackman Through The Atlantean Stargate. Or better yet go interact with joy in your own narrative... Still from the Pilot episode of new series "The Mentalist".
The image of Robin Tunney above was discussed in Scarlet Dragon. The Zebra had been associated to her many times before this image even existed, the theme repeating through the synchronicty of a passing striped T-Shirt, giving her part of a radiating crown. This Zebra halo also reminds me of the white and black Sphinx pulling the Rider-Waite Tarot Chariot card. Given this line of reasoning I now feel the nemes is an attempt by the Ancient Egyptians to highlight the subtle body of the Pharaoh. Compare the visible serpents, wings and radiating halo of the exiting Golden Age King's artworks and the entering Golden Age works by Alex Grey.
Tunney is seen with the Zebra stripes emitting from her Crown Chakra in the pilot episode of "The Mentalist", her latest TV gig. We see the Golden Boy, Pharaoh Tutankhamen, with his striped nemes radiating and vivifying his subtle body. The Ancient Egyptians, it would seem, were an intermediate culture bridging the gap between a Golden Age of realized consciousness and history. In that sense they are much like us, custodians of the shift, only in reverse as we are moving into knowledge of Self, while they were moving out. Scarlet Dragon
When we look at the second coffin of Tutankhamen (above) it is possible we are looking at an attempt by the artist to portray the actual reality of the experience of seeing the Ancient Sun Kings. Certainly it shows the 'spiritual' reality - as does images like Alex Grey's (note how the Grey resonates the popular E.T. another symbol of Kosmic Konsciousness) "Holy Fire Panel 1" below - but maybe, cultures near the previous Golden Age, like a flower, had their ethereal selves visible! Perhaps this is starting to happen again, not just with the Sun Kings, but all of Us. The movie Stars by aggregating so much attention is only where Konsciousness starts noticing it first.
“every man and woman is a star”
Aleister Crowley I love the non-local and local (Being one, in the end) winged eye and triangle often associated with the Illuminati.Revealing the true identity of the 'Controlling Elite' inseparable from who We are. In essence the goal of the mummy coffin and Alex Grey painting is the same, making visible the subtle body.
Arguably the most powerful human Black Star on the planet Oprah Winfrey Illuminates thusly.. The Black Star holds up the book by E.T., she unveils that EcharT TollE has the E.T first letters mirrored as T.E in the last letters of his name.
As Echart is opening my third Eye through his constant evoking of my true Self, I start to recognize his corresponding subtle body emanating visible. Echart Tolle's "A New Earth" Webinar. Earth is an anagram for Heart.
The studio lights entrain with the needs of the NOW creating a play of light on his forehead. A circular spot and S shaped light playfully flickers and realizes his third eye in the visible realm. The WE3 spinner as E keeps bobbing in and out of E.T's physical body from the vantage of the observer. The E crowns symbol systems like the Masonic Tracing Boards.See The Stygian Port WE3Marys for new observations related to this mystery.
The Crown further 'attracts' themes associated to the realization of Kosmic Konsciousness on Earth. The rising sunlight above the curve of the Earth touches his profile while the A A designates him as a realized Earthly Buddha type, in my mind at least. Crowley's order the A.:A.:'s highest attainment is called the Ipsissimus. Just noticed a third white A which along with the 2 blue A's surround his head. The A or Alpha circling the head of the teacher.
Ipsissimus (10°=1□): Beyond the comprehension of the lower degrees. An Ipsissimus is free from limitations and necessity and lives in perfect balance with the manifest universe. Essentially, the highest mode of attainment. Wikipedia A.: A.:
This sounds exactly like fully embracing the NOW and realizing your inseparability from the Divine.
I don't have 'proof' and might be wrong but I am doubtful that the current situation in the fraternal societies allows for the true orthodox attainment of this degree, if it ever did.
As in my mind the highest attainment in human form - what the A.:A.: calls Ipsissimus - is Being a Buddha, and Eckhart as master teacher of enlightenment qualifies, he is also an Ipsissimus. Certainly the double A and visible light body attest to this in my current B.S. (belief system or bull shit).
There is a great deal of inelegance in comparing these systems so haphazardly and drawing such brazen conclusions. Yet, here we are..
A new video by Jim and Nosis - that's the same Jim who invited me out to Clearwater for tent Illumination and 911 mystery - that entrains seamlessly with all themes discussed here.
HEART of the KOSMIC KHRIST with Alex Grey
We see Grey (resonating the almond eye shaped Kosmic Konsciousness signifier) with a tiny circular Halo emanating from his Crown in the video. A Buddha on the curved ground of the painting behind the artists replicates the sunlight rising behind Eckhart's "A New Earth" backdrop.
Outro: We see the third eye opening on the Alex Grey designed cover of Tool's "10 000 Days". Compare the almond shaped slit with the flickering light on/from Eckhart's Ajna and the core of the apple. The 2K/K2/KK sync kisses or emanates from the Star Robin Tunney's Crown. A classic sync that helped realize the notion of how the subtle body entrains with the surrounding. The Crowned Double K of Krispy Kreme in the Futurama Atlantis (the probable popular name for the previous Golden Age) parody episode "The Deep South".
In Following Hugh Jackman Through The Atlantean Stargate we saw how the toroid Krispy Kreme displays the double K. Remember that the torus shape is associated with the human subtle body, the apple and planets, Being then a solid resonator of the Divine.
Jenn from Hidden Dakini passed on the following golden goodie we can NOW fully appreciate with all the above context.
Tool's song Rosetta Stoned, track 8 from "10 000 Days" is 11 minutes and 11 seconds in duration. 11:11 is KK as K is the 11th letter of the alphabet. 11:11 is the exact moment of the solstice alignment on 2012.
Tool - Rosetta Stoned
Alrighty, then ... picture this if you will.
10 to 2 AM, X, Yogi DMT, and a box of Krispy Kremes, in my "need to know" pose, just outside of Area 51 Contemplating the whole "chosen people" thingy when a flaming stealth banana split the sky like one would hope but never really expect to see in a place like this. Cutting right angle donuts on a dime and stopping right at my Birkenstocks, and me yelping...
Holy f**king shit!
Then the X-Files being, Looking like some kind of blue-green Jackie Chan with Isabella Rossellini lips, and breath that reeked of vanilla Chig Champa Did a slow-mo Matrix descent Outta the butt end of the banana vessel And hovered above my bug-eyes, my gaping jaw, and my sweaty L. Ron Hubbard upper lip, and all I could think was: "I hope Uncle Martin here doesn't notice that I pissed my f**kin' pants."
So light in his way, Like an apparition, [that] He had me crying out, "F**k me It's gotta be the Deadhead Chemistry The blotter got [right] on top of me Got me seein' E-motherf**kin'-T!"
And after calming me down with some orange slices and some fetal spooning, E.T. revealed to me his singular purpose. He said, "You are the Chosen One, the One who will deliver the message. A message of hope for those who choose to hear it and a warning for those who do not." Me. The Chosen One? They chose me!!! And I didn't even graduate from f**kin' high school.
Then he looked right through me With somniferous almond eyes Don't even know what that means Must remember to write it down This is so real Like the time Dave floated away See, my heart is pounding 'Cause this shit never happens to me
I can't breathe right now!
It was so real, Like I woke up in Wonderland. All sorta terrifying I don't wanna be all alone While I tell this story. And can anyone tell me why Y'all sound like Peanuts parents? Will I ever be coming down? This is so real Finally, it's my lucky day See, my heart is racing 'Cause this shit never happens to me
I can't breathe right now!
You believe me, don't you? Please believe what I've just said! See the Dead ain't touring And this wasn't all in my head. See, they took me by the hand And invited me right in. Then they showed me something I don't even know where to begin.
Strapped down [to] my bed Feet cold [and] eyes red I'm outa my head Am I alive? Am I dead? Can't remember what they said God damn, shit the bed.
Overwhelmed as one would be, placed in my position. Such a heavy burden now to be the One Born to bear and bring to all the details of our ending, To write it down for all the world to see.
But I forgot my pen Shit the bed again ... Typical.
Strapped down [to] my bed Feet cold and eyes red I'm outa my head Am I alive? Am I dead? Sunkist and Sudafed * Gyroscopes and infrared Won't help, I'm brain dead Can't remember what they said God damn, shit the bed
I can't remember what they said to me Can't remember what they said to make me out to be a hero Can't remember what they said Bob help me! Can't remember what they said
[We] don't know, [and we] won't know (x12)
God damn, shit the bed!
Nicholas Brendon (Xander) and Charisma Carpenter (Cordelia Chase) in episode "Killed by Death" with Krispy Kreme donuts. I first heard of the Krispy Kreme synk wink through an email by Jim.
Xander the Star that opened our post eats his KK torus candy in another "Buffy" episode.
I don't follow the news but just seeing the unavoidable headline or two lets ya know that some folks are stressing about the economy.
Luckily the latest "The Economist" seems know the score showing us the reality of what is happening without beating around the bush. Clearly they are telling us that the Aquarian Waterdoor or the Stargate of Cosmic Consciousness is washing away that which resists change. The increasing speed of the spinning mandala we call reality is fluxing its muscle and swallowing what has seemed so solid, diseased or unconscious institutions. All that will remain is what moves with the flow of the Tao and reaches the center. This is no more scary, vivid or intense then this very moment right NOW. In fact it is this very moment, we are starting to realize this, perhaps it only syncs in when we reach a consensus about its mechanics.
The entire great year is ending as we move into Aquarius from the last house of Pisces, illuminating the abundance of water imagery involved in this brand of Stargate research. A Zodiac wheel from "A monument to the End of Time" and "Galactic Alignment" showing the Galactic Alignment and Equinox Cross.Note that if we imagine a line in 3D Space, plotting the Galactic Center-/Galactic Anti-Center Axis (or Dragon) it would extend from Sagittarius' arrow through us moving directly towards the shoulder of Taurus, The Seven Sisters or Pleiades.
We see images of bulls or Taurus, the Galactic Anti-Center, also caught in the maelstrom. We can interpret this as our movement away from the base of the axis towards the completion of the 'astro-alchemy', the 'as above' story playing out "on Earth as it is in Heaven" with its final destination in the Heart of the Milky Way. This is also the end of the Kali Yuga, all entraining with what we popularly call the 2012 phenomena. The process which has been reserved for the individual - consciousness waking up and knowing itself through a person - is happening to the entire species. Perhaps we will fuck it up, drop the ball because of fear. I sincerely doubt it, seeing that You are reading this gives me so much hope. Even if this species fails it will no doubt entrain with other amazing things and realize consciousness in some other interesting way. It's literally a win-win situation!
2012 is corny as hell but functions in the same way the Black Oracle Illuminated Neo.
Oracle: I'd ask you to sit down, but, you're not going to anyway. And don't worry about the vase. Neo: What vase? [Neo turns to look for a vase, and as he does, he knocks over a vase of flowers, which shatters on the floor] Oracle: That vase. Neo: I'm sorry... Oracle: I said don't worry about it. I'll get one of my kids to fix it. Neo: How did you know? Oracle: Ohh, what's really going to bake your noodle later on is, would you still have broken it if I hadn't said anything?
We don't need 2012 but don't believe it yet so we make up this huge silly drama about "awakening". Even if you don't believe in 2012 you still realize it through that particular game or drama. Perhaps what happens on 2012 is the deep realization of how it was the silliest yet most profound joke of all. Neo: Morpheus. The Oracle, she told me I'm...
Morpheus: She told you exactly what you needed to hear, that's all.
Being told he is not 'The One' by the oracle fits in exactly with the realization of Neo's Divinity. It's the old Zen insight.
If you need to read this to wake up you are still asleep yet you can only read it if you are already awake...
Comment from Jim "In response to the economic situation, Bush tonight said we were in a "serious crISIS." I would KonKur."
Click on image to enlarge. Note the Prez's Eagle or Scorpio (the twin guardian, along with Taurus of Galactic Anti-Center) holding its olives (?) and arrows. The arrow is Sagittarius making the seal (a circular Stargate shape or mandala) a symbol of the 911-2012 or Galactic Center/Galactic Anti-Center Axis or Dragon. This in my mind shows how the Prez regardless of his personal machinations or affiliations still serves the All or Totality. The Prez, like all in the verse, yields to the Centre beyond form.
Isis represents Galactic Center or Cosmic Consciousness... The 'crISIS' is the collapse of the egos attachments.