Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine's Day Thompson Icebow Flow

Thompson Icebow Flow
11 11 11 leaving Winnipeg...
Valentine's Icebow floW in Thompson, town of the Wolf.


  1. totally mindtweaking this light cone, unreal - was this as visible without looking through the lens of the camera? Must be a "rare" phenomena, I know a bit of meteorology and never seen anything like this.

    Joy and delight

  2. The 'Halo Icebow' did have a vertical light pillar emanating from the sun.

    The really bright central strip running across the image was however only present on the camera.

    This is a 'normal' but still awesome optical phenomena.

    I took it as a good sign.

    The angle involved in the creation of a rainbow is 42.

  3. Off 2 an awesome start, thanks for asking..

    I'm feeling it.
