I walk into my local corner store a few days ago, thinking about Jimmy Page. A few seconds later I realize Led Zeppelin is playing over the stores radio. As I am standing there trying to puzzle out the 'sequence of events' - "did I hear the song without fully realizing it?", "did hearing it on some unrealized level inspire the thoughts?" or more likely "is my mind and the universe one seamless continuum?" - I notice that I am looking at an avocado that bears a sticker reading "Emp 196 MR JIMMY 4046 Product of Mexico". I grabbed it, feeling it a sign. According to Wikipedia the Avocado is a fruit (technically a berry) also called an alligatorpear.
Below on the left is a Copan Stela C of Mayan Solar King, Rabbit 18. His loincloth bears a crocodile, placing the solar king in the maw of the animal. This John Major Jenkins tells us symbolizes rebirth of the sun. Specifically the alligator mouth is associated with Galactic Center in exactly the same way Izapa Stela 11 (on the right) with its toad swallowing scene was in the previous post (see Galactic Center p41 for details). The example was used of Hugh Jackman, who is First Father and Xibalba in "The Fountain", having an oral encounter with 'The Toad' in "Flushed Away". Both reptilian themed swallowing representing Galactic Center. From Gemini
Comparing the Monster Mouth and reptilian aspects of the croc or G8tor syncs to the Dragon feel a logical move.
The appearance of four symbols on the jacket of Led Zeppelin's fourth album have been linked to Page's interest in the occult. It is generally accepted that the four symbols represented each member of the band. During tours and performances after the release of Led Zeppelin IV, Page often had zodiac symbols embroidered on his clothes (referred to as his "Dragon Suit", it included the signs for Capricorn, Scorpio and Cancer which are Page's Sun, Ascendant and Moon signs, respectively) along with the so-called "ZoSo" symbol.
I love how Mr Jimmy's sigil combines the ZO (Pan/77) with SO. I have often felt OZ and OS should be interchanged at will because words that start or sound like Os - as in Oswald or Australia - are often shortened as just plain OZ. ZOSO in my mind is just PAN/PAN or 'totally totality'. Oswald Penitentiary becomes simply "OZ" in the show featuring Harold Perrineau - in a wheelchair Merkabah - from Matrix and Lost...
See Following Hugh Jackman Through the Atlantean Stargate Terry O'Quinn as John Locke and wheelchair Merkabah in "Lost" with Australia or OZ sync winking. Stargate King Hugh Jackman and Nicole Kidman 'Down Under' or in the 'Land of OZ' in Baz Luhrmann's upcoming "Australia". Note how the red A or Alpha of Australia flips to become a V in V for Vendetta. The 'Circle N' covering the middle Pussycat Dolls' 'down under' synchromystically becoming OZ/NO etc (the N rotating, dig?). We even see the OS of Los Angeles on the tarmac. Their "Black Heart" resonates Galactic Center as both a black hole/star and the heart of the Milky Way (see StarMummy and A Few Shots to Shaman). The one Doll is wearing the VALIS/ZEBRA stripes while the freaking Great Pyramid of Giza frames nearly all the symbols discussed thus far! Then New York appears bottom left with a Circle K above it resonating.... That's it! I give up on this mind numbing thing, what gives? I had never even heard of them a week ago, moving on... (I'm being melodramatic. We will probably have to penetrate this mystery deeper some other time) Javier Bardem won the Oscar (The Golden Boy) for his role as Anton Chigurh (Aton Sugar) in "No (OZ) Country for Old Men". We see him interact with the ZO and SO above and below. How wacky then when we note that he has recently stared with Scarlett Johansson in Woody Allen's "Vicky Christina Barcelona". Scarlett interacts with a Scarlet Dragon in another Woody Allen film "Scoop". The one with Stargate King Hugh Jackman (now in Oz/Australia!) featuring Master Therion's Tarot Cards. It's just too much... But wait! Lets not forget that Jimmy owned Crowley's house overlooking Loch Ness, waters which many believe house a monster or dinosaur.
From the early 1970s to well into the 1980s, Jimmy Page owned the Boleskine House, the former residence of occultist Aleister Crowley. Wikipedia Jimmy Page Personal Life This Nessie thing, yet again, gives me that Dragon and Galactic Center as 'ego beast' feeling. Nessie, Crowley resonating Beast of Galactic Center? You decide..
It feels like a deep sync hole, lets just skip along again and leave that for later or some other brave StarG8tor. Hang on.., wasn't Jimmy Page playing with Puff Daddy in that video for "Godzilla"? A giant dinosaur and Milky Way type Dragon monster!
Puff Daddy feat. Jimmy Page - Come with me
OMG! its starts with the words "Not since the World Trade Center Bombing"
Interesting enough its last track is titled "Inside Job", what many believe 911 was.
When I was interviewed for Nosis the clip that resulted was called "Inside Job". Jim was putting a spin on its usual meaning in the 911 context. Instead of referring to a the government orchestrating 911, this 'Inside Job' means the spiritual transformation and global ascension process marked by the 911 Mega-Ritual.