The Red Door from Jake Kotze on Vimeo.
This is the Jeffrey Combs video made for Radio8Ball.I called it The Red Door the title of an 'ancient' lost Sync Whole post that was never completed but posted below as some background to the ideas that helped form the video.
Might update this post with stills and extra comments over the week.
Peace In = Peace Out
For more context: C-Ing Red, The Red I of the Blue One, Heal The World, Make It a Better Place, Pots and Pans.
The Red Eye or Bindi that highlights the Ajna StarG8, another red door..
La Vie En Rose, seeing life through the rose colored glasses of Self Realized Being. Spacey C-Ing red in K-pax with another Goat man Bridges.
The red theme being used all over American Beauty as roses, blood and the iconic red door.
If I am not I then you are not you...
The idea that spots and dots of i's strange attract red, while floW and deities blue, was also explored briefly at the sync whole as The Red Eye of the Blue Star. That post kinda killed my interest in working on the above red door themes as it seemed 'done with', until the opportunity to make this Combs video arrived, that is.
New stuff:
From Twitter:
Kevin Spacey. Awareness of Space or 'Space Consciousness' as opposed to form or object bias is symptomatic of Awakening.
Spacey Consciousness, also Cosmic Consciousness or realization of the primary Essence of every moment.
Here is the actual viewing of the video on Radio8Ball with Jeffrey Combs.
Radio8Ball - Jeffrey Combs pt.1 from the archiver on Vimeo.
He doesn't seem to resonate with it.It's a fascinating process of learning what the stars themselves think of these.
Radio8Ball - Jeffrey Combs pt. 2 from the archiver on Vimeo.
This was the second try at this kind of experiment, see Rae Dawn Chong's for the first.
I think if we keep this up, the feedback, like on a microphone, will get very trippy.