This in close proximity to the Toroid Martini Glass shape, fractal of totality (symbol of Pan as Whole (Black wHole)) of Existence.
More Martini or Torus shape syncs at:
Blue Willow Pattern
E.T Ipsissimus of the A.:A.:
Black Star
Jim Sanders, who I am visiting in Thompson for a few days, arriving on Valentines Day to work on a video project, brought up Louis Riel in a recent post.
Also on the cover we read "More bobbin along Robins increasingly seen in December as climate changes /A2"
Robins are my central animal guide.
I think of them as spiritual 'early birds'. It is the animal of early individual awakening, so as to signal and help usher in the grand collective Ascension.
The 'physical climate' is an inseparable reflection the 'spiritual climate'. All existence arises from Being beyond form and thought. Being is starting to cycle its way into conscious human consciousness as we become aware of our own unified awareness.
Climate change is no doubt indivisibly interrelated with the evolution of LIFE and consciousness on EARTH/HEART.
Some quotes from the article:
"Were seeing species that wouldn't normally be here in the wintertime, or wouldn't be here in the kind of numbers they are"
"Those include American goldfinches, purple Finches and one bird that traditionally heralds the arrival of spring: The American robin"
"The concern is that this is just showing that something significant is going on in the natural world"
All is the 'natural world' as all emanates from Being/No-Thing/Self, right NOW.
The symbolic herald of spring, the Robin, signaling the time of increased light and clarity, Ascension.
Winnipeg at your service.
crISIS 911, signaling the 911 part of the Ascension Axis along with a 11:11 and CBS all seeing Eye/I/Self.
This lovely billboard sits on Osborne (Born of OZ) Street in direct alignment with Galactic Center Temple.
I believe Winnipeg, SynCCity, is a key central node in the current AAscension process.
Galactic Center Temple (Winnipeg's Legislative Building) 11:11 Sync
I am excited to leave for Thompson by bus chariot later 2day.
A person was beheaded, a symbol associated to Kali, the last phase of the awakening of Brahman, while journeying to Winnipeg.
A 9 hour bus ride up North of Winnipeg.
Arriving on Valentine's or Heart Day, love it.
I connect the heart shape to the Galactic and Spiritual HEART/EARTH, our collective and shared Center.