New game by developer Valve, "Portal". The game sees a first person perspective where you have a ray or gun that opens Stargates or "Portals". The idea is that you can move yourself objects and bad guys through mind bending puzzles involving teleportation in 3-D. Whats really amazing is that the symbols of the stargate so often discussed in the Syncrosphere is replete in the game. The checkerfloor/grid design, the cube (falling through the portal!) concentric circles etc, etc.
Do I believe the Illuminati are directly influencing game designers and movie studious to hide secret symbolism in there works? No, of course not. These are simply the symbols and codes (magick/science) associated with the evolving consciousness leading to the transcendence of space/time that would naturally be associated with any Stargate theme. If the Freemasons and other groups display these symbols it is again simply because they are involved with these kinds of science/magick which is now spreading through the masses. I see nothing nefarious or dubious about these symbols, no more than I find these letters with which I communicate this message to your consciousness 'bad or good'. They are tools.
Valve's - Portal
(Looks pretty groovy!)
Consciousness is rapidly evolving.
Fear is the mind killer.
Thanks to reader/viewer Mark for the heads up.