While viewing "Chicken Little" because of the presence octagons (which turned out to be mostly hexagons, see "The Comic Book Cycle") I noticed the acorns all over this typically sync rich Disney affair. I had recently listened to the Red Ice interview with Joseph P. Farrel "Reich of the Black Sun & the Nazi Bell" where Henrik and Farrel discuss the rumored weirdo Nazi technological device "The Bell" comparing its shape to the acorn, and Kecksberg UFO (image above). The Bell is speculated as being many things (or its development leading to other applications), a weapon perhaps, but more interesting to me a possible teleportation/time travel (stargate) device. I don't really like the idea of a physical material stargate machine existing (I like it being a metaphor for space/cosmic consciousness), intuitively, but lets run with these syncs and let the chips fall where they may..
In "Chicken Little" the acorn is seen atop a building (above) as a flying saucer UFO is about to transport the two chickens and an alien. Teleportation is stargate resonant. We have the acorn resonating the Kecksberg UFO and Nazi Bell in a situation involving stargate technology and interstellar mystery. I view both E.T's and Stargates as symbols for the realization of primacy of consciousness (as apposed to thought) and NOW (as apposed to past and future).
The second time I encountered the acorn synchromystically was when researching the age of the Pyramids of Giza. Believing Noah's cuboid (and cubit measurement specific) ark and its mountain theme to be veiled and obfuscated Giza/K2 references, film "Ice Age 2" placed said sacred pyramounts construction back in that period due to ark deluge themes (see Al-Noah). The space consciousness metaphor, the UFO, is frozen in "Ice Age 1" (shades of "The Thing"). Having the acorn (stargate) present with Giza resonant sync winks ads very sci:fi/Phillip K. Dickian interpretations into play as possible realities being expressed synchromystically. We could view the pyramids as having been constructed by time travelers from the future for example. I reject the idea of UFOs as physical travellers from other worlds as material existences seems a shadow/shell a species looses (comes into balance with) during evolution, way before becoming intergalactic citizens. The Pyramids currently believed to be either from the future or have been grown organically like a nautilus shell or beehive, maybe in some elegant fashion both.