In a manner I was devoting mySelf to this image. By returning to an object and reflecting, you dissolve the boundary between self and object. There is only ONE never ending witness or observer of all that is. WE/ME are that Being.
This process of devoting yourself to a movie Star is similar in function and result to that of focusing attention on a religious icon.
I just knew that something about the image of the Stars in the C meant more then I was cognizant of... (that kinda gives it away, ah well)
This comes usually in the form of previous subjects explored, this time the Red C has chosen to associate with current favorite, the rainbow.
Doubly so as we see the Rainbow Room - an upscale restaurant at 30 Rock - and the rainbow plumed NBC Peacock logo.
This is the body of water that Moses parts with the help of God/Spirit/Being.
We see Charlton Heston open the Aqua type StarG8 or waterdoor in "The Ten Commandments".
Water themed StarG8's are amazingly recurrent sync patterns WE can connect to the dawning of Kosmic Konsciousness as marked by the Age of Aquarius.
Isrealite Man: "God opens the C with a blast of his nostrils!"
C The SpiriT of the Blue Bird for SpiriT and wind exploration.
This dialogue opened the C Stargate for ME. The C is the opened O, the mandala that has been penetrated and parted.
The C is an inviting portal or even bridge to the Divine.
I was going to mention The Red Sea as a connect but only decided to re-watch the scene from "The Ten Commandments" - leading to the insight of C as parted O - after reading about this same cinematic moment in a story sent to me by Jennifer Palmer. The mention of Heston in her story and the connect between Red C and Red Sea in this post entrained with each other.
This becomes more syncnificant if WE note the recent appearance of Jennifer Connelly at The Blob in videos like Jennifer Jupiter.
In fact the AHA! moment for the solution to the ChiCago poster came because of another Jennifer (Jupiter).
C Jumpiter for more on Jupiter
Jennifer plays disgruntled waitress Joanna - adamantly wearing the bear minimum of flair buttons - being caught in frame with a Crescent and Red C.
See All Buttoned Up for button syncs.
The face over the C or Crescent is depicted as a Pharaoh on the Fez, yet as Isis in the Masonic example above.
The pentagram is also a symbol often associated to Isis.
As Jennifer Aniston is a Movie Star/Goddess in the presence of a symbol associated to Isis the sync suggests Jennifer as a mother goddess resonator.
AHA! the C of "ChiCago" movie poster is the exact symbolic equivalent of the Crescent centered with a Star.
The parted C with the Star inside, Heavens Gate.
While this photo was uploading I skipped over to my youtube page and checked my email there.
I received one from Gary King, a Krop Kircle researcher who was expressing interest in the Mushroom Atlantis videos I made a few years ago (C the above youtube page for those videos).
When I paged back here I noticed the ornamental Red Aminita Mushroom, caught in shot, with the photo of the Moon on my favorite water bottle.
This felt like a Sign and I made me go back and take a closer look at Gary's email and youtube page.
I jumped when I realized that Gary was the first person inside the giant "07/07/07 Aum" formation.
east field 07/07/07 pt 1
You can see a four part video about the incident - one of the most exciting in recent Krop Kircle history - on Gary's page.
See SUMIRUNA - Master of the Water for Jim's Aum as WE3 mention
Further I realized (pretty sure) I had briefly met Gary during the 2007 Krop Kircle season at the 4 August Pewsey White Horse formation (below), recognizing him from the video above.
Synchromysticm is sometimes challenging as how does one keep expressing astonishment in a way that is novel, over and over, when documenting mind blowing syncs?
In truth they rarely freak me out any more. I just smile and allow them joyfully as reminders to acknowledge KKonsciousness.
I say that, as the freaking Crop Circle entering this post through the Gary King synchronicity discussed above contains a Crescent and Star!
The reference to the Atlantis Mushroom material leads me to believe it is appropriate to include ye olde Red C/Atlantis syncs.
(I based the statement 'which is sometimes identified with a C' and the idea that it is red on something William Henry wrote, which I can't find anymore.. Still, it all resonates soundly.)
Can you see the C in the sea?
C-shaped Atlantis hotel complex planned for completion end of 2008 in Dubai, including underwater hotels.
These Atlantis/Red C observations were made in a 2006 post:
The Mushroom and The Stargate
I decide to investigate and happen upon she and a friend watching a Krop Kircle DVD of the 2007 season. She had been out the whole day and no communication had transpired about my 2007 Krop Kircles syncs earlier that very day. The DVD is not indigenous to our apartment and had been obtained by her without my prior knowledge.
Here I was watching a moving portfolio of that seasons circles including the East Field 7/7/7 and Pewsey Crescent Star, on the same day they had been highlighted through sync!
A few more groovy spins on Red C wormed its way into KKonsciousness during the conception and development of this post.
Two episodes of television shows I am following entrained with each other by sharing the same episode title, "Seeing Red".
"Seeing Red" S6 E19 May 7, 2002 "Buffy The Vampire Slayer"
Winnipeg has the Red dot Eye/I in this image, nested in Crescents, just like the Red eye of Hal-9000 and Jupiter (thanks to Winnipeg's Jim Sanders for the Red insight in the comments of this post).
Decapitated heads are also symbolic of Kosmic Konsciousness.
Kali holds a decapitated head.
This is KKonsciousness freed from the belief as located in the brain and mind.
We have then, an upside down 'hanged man', Kosmic Konsciousness, Tin Man head Seeing Red!
This all sharing the title Salvation, sheesh, what a potent image.
C Galactic Center Temple for more on decapitations.
C Jim's On The Eve of Salvation for more fascinating "Terminator Salvation" sync winks.
Above is Nicholas Cage (second hit in this sync web) and below Patricia Arquette both 'Seeing Red'.
The Spanish word for Yes is Si which sounds like C.
From CentrePortal's GeyeA
Just like we saw earlier when the Crescent and Star resonated Isis, we now find a Red Si complete with five rayed Star, spelling out the Goddess' name.
The C, the receptive Cup of Goddess.