"The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want."
"I will fear no evil: for thou [art] with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me."I did a synchromystic piece yesterday morning about edible stargate resonators,
nuts. By the evening, as is more and more the norm with times passage, I was entraining with my work by eating cashews from a vending machine at my 'day job'. Only when chewing on the nuts and reading this line from page 90 of
Ralph Ellis' "Tempest & Exodus", concurrently, did it occur to me that I was eating what I had been blogging about only hours before: "Apparently since the rods were made of
The consistently enlightening Ellis is explaining his belief that the rod and staff of biblical fame is none other than the flail and crook of the middle kingdom Pharaohs like the famous pair of rods making an x over 'Tuts' heart. For those unfamiliar with the concept, in short, Ellis like 1st-century historian (and secretly the biblical
Paul the Apostle, a long story..(See "Jesus: Last of the Pharaohs" by Ellis) )
Josephus and Michael Tsarion believe that the Israelites and the Exodus is actually the historical immigration of the Hyksos Shepperd Pharaohs and there people from Egypt.
Another edible item, candy (especially lollipops), has also recently been connected to stargates. (See the "K2 Candy" posts
2 and
3). Having been a sugar junkie of late and it recently being X-Mas, it seems natural that my thoughts would turn to candy canes, considering there similarity in shape (with stripes) and christian holiday theme nature, as potentially resonating the Sheperd's crook. A quick wiki check shows that this is entirely in keeping with consensus reasoning as:
So, striped candy cane resonates the similarly striped Pharaoh's crook (usually made of almond wood), interesting enough, but there is yet more.
On P18 of "Tempest and Exodus" Ellis draws our attention to what he calls the 'Lollipop' glyph (above). The glyph is said to have no know meaning but on P24 he compares and equates it with the
mer (below) glyph which means, wait for it, 'pyramid'.
The stick or stem part Mr Ellis is saying is the Giza pyramids' causeway, connecting the 'Lollipop' glyph to Giza specifically.
Stargate Queen, Robin Tunney, shown animating a Lollipop in "Cherish"
So it is possible synchromystically to say that the 'Lollipop', already much discussed and connected to the K2 mountain through Robin Tunney (she climbs K2 in "Vertical Limit" see the "Tunney Tribute" videos), can be connected back to Giza through Ellis' own 'Lollipop' observations. Ralph Ellis being the author of "K2: Quest of the Gods" and originator of the Giza as K2 map theory himself. Weird..
Another K2/Giza candy sync comes in the form of a comment left by observant Aferrismoon who shares that the O.G. K2 mountaineer and Giza Kings Chamber meddling Aleister Crowley spent time learning the tools of the Magickal trade in Kandy, Ceylon.
"My friend and climbing companion, Oscar Eckenstein, gave me my first instructions in learning the control of the mind early in 1901 in Mexico City. Shri Parananda, Solicitor General of Ceylon and an eminent writer upon and teacher of Yoga from the orthodox Shaivite standpoint, and Bhikkhu Ananda Metteya, the great English Adept, who was one of my earliest instructors in Magick and joined the Sangha in Burma in 1902, gave me my first groundings in mystical theory and practice. I spent some months of 1901 in Kandy, Ceylon, with the latter until success crowned my work." Aleister Crowley