The show's distant future crew of characters end up, under the sea, in the Atlantis mythos lampooning southern American sunken city of Atlanta.
A quick overview of my take on Atlantis:
I feel the Atlantis story first unveiled by Plato, vie Egyptian priests, is primarily obfuscated Giza knowledge.
The likely pre-Pharaohnic Giza pyramids with their distinctive seasonal alignment, seemed to regulate the flow of the Nile, from the perspective of the current indigenous culture and become intimately associated with water. Whether the priest class knew better but used the ruse of the pyramids as magickal sun and water manifesting to manipulate the masses is something worth pondering... (I borrow heavily from Ralph Ellis in these matters..)
Another whimsical scenario sees the pyramids submerged during the melting of the end of the last Ice Age.
Because it seems likely any Egypto-connected occult pillar/mountain/tower reference is referring to our Twin Pillars or Breasts (from which flows the fertile Nile) of Egypt, it logically follows that Thoth/Enki/Noah's (as ark is pyramid) inscribed pillars (emerald tablets?) and Atlantian pillars are indeed one and the same thing. At the very least we can certainly say Giza and Atlantis, synchromystically, resonate each other very strongly indeed.
Other facets worth keeping in play while considering Atlantis is the speculated pre-historical harmonious entheogenic/shamanic societies posited by the likes of Terrence McKenna, modern ego (object/thing obsessed) mans precursors. The Stargate resonant themes associated with psychedelics offer another not necessarily incompatible model working alongside with the Giza interpretation. How they comfortably slot together is an issue for future posts...
The name Atlantis refers to its first King, Atlas, who's father Poseidon gave him sway over the mythical Island. Another Atlas is often depicted as the human pillar holding aloft the Earth and an Atlas is also a map. Both Earth pillar and Earth map connect comfortably to Giza as pyramids are pillars and Giza's alignments with the cardinal points denote uncomfortably early geodetic knowledge. The great pyramid itself -I am lead to believe - in some size/ratio dynamic is in direct sync with the planet Earth. Ralph Ellis in "Thoth" posits the Great Pyramid rather convincingly as a map (Atlas) of the Earth. In "K2" he tells us exactly where this map points towards...
Lead character and time traveler -thus Stargate resonator - Philip J. Fry exits a Krispy Kream donut store in our synchromystic cartoon world Atlantis.
Finding the double K in Atlantis is completely consistent with the concept of Giza as interchangeable with Atlantis. Ralph Ellis explains in "K2: Quest of the Gods" that the Great Pyramid decodes as a map pointing towards K2, the second tallest mountain on Earth. Having a Stargate traveler exiting a KK/K2 in Atlantis connects Atlantis to Giza synchromystically.... beautifully. It also suggest the K2 mountain as connceted to the Atlantis story.
The year 2000 millennium celebrations are considered part of the consciousness focusing events dubbed here, Mega Rituals. Any large scale public events bring people's minds together in space and time, concentrating the attention on the present and dissolving conditioned mind activity. 911, JFK and Y2K all condensed awareness on the NOW resulting in a euphoric global ecstasy, collapsing the 'illusion' of the time bound mind. It can be postulated, if the 2012 theme keeps building in popularity and some truth lies in the McKenna/Maya threads associated with it, 2012 could become the ultimate consciousness focusing Mega Ritual. 2012 the pivotal Maya (Illusion) dissolving, consciousness inculcating event? Perhaps...
Pleas keep in mind that, considering NOW is all that truly exists, 2012 can be a very unhealthy neurosis. If we imagine redemption from the mind made self in future instead of the present moment we will never achieve joy, the realization of divinity. In fact we are all totally whole and complete as we sit here, no matter how much mental noise or discomfort the mind generates at present. It seemingly takes time for us to come into full realization of being pure Being already. In this manner 2012 as potential planetary spiritual eschaton, if taken as symbolic human narrative fulfillment is a beautiful story, the end of the drama of history. If you, however, try and hinge your spiritual awakening on 2012 or find fulfillment in anything - God, 2012, UFOs - you are sure to be disappointed as no-thing can fulfill you. Again, you already are the no-thing and fully fulfilled.
Stargate King Hugh Jackman interacts with the Mayan 2012 Stargate themes in the modern 2001: Space Odyssey, Darren Aronofsky's masterpiece "The Fountain".
The Mayan theme is represented by Xibalba and a Temple/Pyramid Jackman climbs while questing for the Tree of Life.
"The Fountain" elegantly illustrates the journey of realization of ones own divinity - frequently described in these pages as opening the Stargate - calling it "the road to awe".
Hugh has to overcome his attachment to objects in space/things (pursuit of a cure for his wife/immortality) and its interrelated partner 'illusion' time (the rate at which things change) . Only then, purged of the desire to find or fulfill himself in anything does he become whole while the resulting ecstatic Stargate collapses form and change, time and space.
But this is my job, no?.., so here are some more words about the image. We see the Twin Towers or Pillarmids inside the Stargate circle with target cross hair of the 2000 (K2) X-Men film logo, sharing this setup is Stargate King Hugh Jackman playing Wolverine.
In the post Saber-Thoth Saber-Tooth cats were connected to the Stargate in general and Thoth (Enki, Noah etc) specifically as Thoth/Tooth are interchangeable synchromystically (see Sweet Thooth).
Synchromystically we could say we are seeing a Saber-Thoth battling the Stargate King and super hero (all Horus resonators) atop the spiked crown/sun halo (Stargate) of Isis with the Twin pyramid resonating Towers of 911 sucsynctly completing the symbolism. Simply put the ushering in of consciousness into humanity. Humanity becoming Horus, in the age of mankind as its own superhero.
"10 000 BC" continues the Saber-Thoth theme as the film has these extinct animals interacting anachronistically with humans. But are the pyramids, here being built way before dynastic Egypt and there general 'straight dope' interpretation as dating from 2500 BC ish also anachronistic?
Major rant alert!
The scale and alignments of Giza put the totally un-hieroglyphed pyramids, in my current belief system, far beyond the know how of the Pharaohs. That said I have a distinct aversion for alien or ancient technologically advanced societies as explanation for their 'construction'. So how then do we explain structures who's pure existence seem a contradiction? I can only venture some synchromystically influenced guesses.
Considering the pyramids (and the intimately associated inseparable Twin Towers) are the strongest artifact** Stargate resonators I have know while doing this type of research (the intimately related Sun/Star being the natural** world top Stargate resonator), the solution must simply be that what ever built them came through the Stargate.
Since the Stargate is the symbolic doorway for consciousness it follows to assume that Being coming through the Stargate made the pyramids.
The only issue is to download that statement into something that fits the situation in a practical manner, if not we have to revert back to sci-fi (Aliens/Atlantis), which has always felt too Deus ex machina for my money.
Since the most likely candidates for the physical, matter manipulating (in this case the art of stone masonry), aspect are obviously still humans we could ad that consciousness flowing through humans built the pyramids.
If these humans were prehistoric the ever increasing mental noise that has generated history would not be present and the voice of consciousness/Being beyond thought and form would be louder and probably the dominating operating force in said humans. Thus being had a clear channel through prehistoric man to create the structures. In the same manner as the silent snowflake, sunflower and nautilus shell, the geometries would originate straight from the source of all, consciousness moving through the Stargate (the third eye) vie prehistoric man.
Shucks, if Atlantis really is prehistoric man who lived in harmony with its surroundings, not separating themselves through thought into experience and experiensor (subject and object), you could in a strange way say Atlantis/Giza was built by Atlanteans.
How prehistoric man manipulated the raw materials with such dexterity is not yet understood by this humble synchromystic...
**Separating objects like our sun and pyramids into man made artifacts vs. natural phenomena is a convenience of language and mind, not reflective of the true situation. A pyramid is essentially as much a natural phenomena as the sun. Consciousness emanates the universe which grows man which builds pyramids, meaning pyramids and all artifacts are natural processes originating originally from consciousness. Conversely it is perfectly reasonable to call both sun and pyramid artifacts emanating from the true maker of all form, consciousness. We can for the sake of discussion separate between nature and man made if we need as long as we know in essence all really arises from Being/no-thing. This statement can help you move beyond trying to figure out if Martian features like giant faces or pyramid shaped mountains are natural or made by intelligent agencies. All is made through the intelligence of Being, the separation of K2, Giza and Cydonia into definite categories of mountain vs. pyramid is an identification with form worth penetrating deeper and moving beyond.
As the Great pyramid might have had a platform for sacrifice and observation at its peak, the capstoneless pyramid possibly represents this most Stargate resonant edifice, itself a likely Stargate (consciousness focusing) device.
The unfinished pyramid is also the Illuminati symbol.
Let's define the Illuminati as those who pursue or have been Illuminated, which seems most reasonable and logical. Being, using the 911 Mega Ritual, has initiated the entire planet through the symbolic destruction of the Twin Pillarmids, into consciousness. It stands to reason then we are all Illuminati.
The personified Stargate deity or anthropomorphic facet of Godhead i.e what we call Gods in general, comes in many flavors. Most frequently we uncover Thoth/Enki builder or scribe types associated with the Stargate Mega Rituals sync web. A very close second would be the darker disposed Pan/Beast thingamagick. In keeping with The Blob's tradition of extreme reductionism any animal (Batman, Wolverine), evil (Satan, Set) or earthly characters can synchromystically be considered a Pan/77/Oz resonator. In the end all the Gods are just the Stargate in human shape. They guide, through religion and mythology - in modern times expresed in comics, movies, television and video games (all media) - humans back to the source of all consciousness, Being beyond thought and form.
The Stargate facet or Greek God Hephaestus according to Wikipedia: "was a Greek god whose Roman equivalent was Vulcan; he was the god of technology, blacksmiths, craftsmen, artisans, sculptors, metals and metallurgy, and fire"
Hephaestus also crafted much of the other magnificent equipment of the gods, and almost any finely-wrought metalwork imbued with powers that appears in Greek myth is said to have been forged by Hephaestus: Hermes's winged helmet and sandals, the Aegis breastplate, Aphrodite's famed girdle, Agamemnon's staff of office,[2] Achilles' armor, Heracles' bronze clappers, Helios' chariot, the shoulder of Pelops, Eros' bow and arrows. Hephaestus worked with the help of the chthonic Cyclopes, his assistants in the forge. He also built automatons of metal to work for him. He gave to blinded Orion his apprentice Cedalion as a guide. In one version of the myth, Prometheus stole the fire that he gave to man from Hephaestus's forge. Hephaestus also created the gift that the gods gave man, the woman Pandora and her pithos.
The visual similarity between the chariot and wheelchair is now put forward as a continuation in theme, positing wheelchair as another Chariot of the Gods.
(Many of the preceding ideas inspired by an email received from Richard in Scotland, thanks!)
The Chariot tarot betrays pyramid resonance through the four pillars - the O.G. megalithic twins of Giza and Dashur - and the sphinx, pulling the vehicle of the sun/God. The four pillars on The Chariot cards and Megalithic Mystery Egypt resonate the 11:11/HH themes explored in Pairs and 11:11 Stargate Sync.
If the pyramid is closely associated with water - as the mound of Atum, Atlantis/Giza connection and Nile regulating function attest to - then perhaps the solar barge vehicle of the sun is also the pyramid itself. Further I personally agree with Ralph Ellis that the Noah's ark/deluge story is connected to Giza. Can we speculate that Noah's ark is the great Pyramid? The boat that saves twined life (gemini, DNA?) from the flood (ice age, deluge?) coming to rest on the mountain/pyramid (K2/Giza?). We will piece this ancient thing together, yet..
This Lost/Oz/Manhattan syncs have been confirmed in the Season 4 episode "Meet Kevin Johnson" with the line "MANHATTEN, EH! WE LET U LEAVE ONE ISLAND, U JUST GO TO ANOTHER ONE!". This line is referring to Micheal Dawson having left the "Lost" island for his home of Manhattan. (See Aferrismoon's Car-full with that A/X U genes)
Of course this all implies that the Lost island can be synchromystically closely associated with Atlantis and Giza.
Worth noting about the Giza, Dome of the Rock and Freedom Tower overhead layout resonating (see All I want for Christmas and The Freedom Tower and the Octagonal Stargate) "Dharma Initiative" octagon from "Lost" is the eight I Ching trigrams.
Terrence McKenna contacted thingemagicks on entheogenics which put him on a path investigating the I Ching leading to Timewave Zero and Novelty Theory correlating with a posited, Mayan calender unveiled, eschaton in 2012. This gives the "Dharma Initiative" octagon and "Lost" 2012 resonance.
(The Octagon as Stargate themed introduced and further explored by Goro Adachi at Etemenanki)
Saturn has recently been confirmed as having a giant stable rotating hexagonal cloud formation over its north pole. Geometry at this scale - usually perceived in smaller natural** objects like sunflowers - points towards the underlying unifying principal of consciousness embedded on all levels of fractal self similarity. The same force that orders Saturn's hexagon and Jupiter's red spot amidst all the surrounding raging chaos creates synchronicity.
It is not that all is ordered and mathematic. It is that all is both ordered and chaotic, at least as perceived by the implied dual nature of mind. Truly all is beyond order and chaos, thought and form, time and space. No-thing (consciousness, Being, God) exists! (Sheesh. Have I become a theist!?)
For a wonderful unfettered and elegantly simple description of this process I recommend absorbing some Eckhart Tolle (E.T/Extra Terrestrial/Cosmic Consciousness)
Oprah has, surprisingly, recently added her dramatic level of influence to Eckhart's 'cause'.
In the image above we see that one of her recurring guests is called Dr. Oz (77/Pan), the O even forming a Pineal Stargate Halo around her head.
On a personal note, my third posts at the "Brave New World Order" blog, nearly 2 years ago was Oprah's Satanic Book Club? Before I started to use the blog to chart synchronicity in pop culture I thought myself a Discordian type prankster and made "Oprah's Book Club" stickers, sticking them on such subversive titles as "The Satanic Bible". The joke caught on and the post made it onto the Disinformation web site getting my blog hundreds of early hits. This was really the point at which I realized the potential of a blog. It took quite a few more posts and the attention of Red Ice Creations to put me on the path of synchromysticsm, but in a strange way the ill intentioned joke, at Oprah's expense, was a big part of what lead me to this moment. NOW, I find myself in the strange position of reading and supporting the same material as the very book club I thought to demean. Indeed do many things come to pass..
Weirder still, on the morning of the 1st of January 2007 while vacationing in South Africa, I was slowly achieving the challenging and questionably effective operation of nursing a post new years eve ecstasy comedown, in a moving vehicle, on the highway, traveling from Johannesburg, with cocaine. Suddenly I light bulb lit up in my head (along with a few million chemically excited braincells) while passing the slipway for Henley-on-Klip, a small town not 15 minutes away from my home of Vereeniging, this is the location of Winfrey's experimental Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls. Out of sheer curiosity me and a friend took the detour to have a look for ourselves.
There were many luxury cars parked all around the school, I had a digital camera at hand and snapped a few shots of the almost fortified looking building. As we drove of we were pulled over by two security guards, on foot, demanding I yield my camera for inspection. Paranoid from carrying dodgy chemicals in my consciousness and inside our vehicle I relented the device for inspection without question. They lady guard deleted all the photos I took of the building itself leaving me with my new years party pics and this one single image, considered inoffensive enough to pas inspection.
In Opening the Stargate via Adam Sandler the Sphinx's alignment with a KFC/Pizza Hut was explored as connected to the Stargate.
(For heads up on Checker Chariot syncs read The JFK Stargate)
The mystery lion of Giza, the Sphinx, aligns with a Pizza Hut, connecting again with this Pizza/Pan /2012 sync wink. We have seen Stargate flavored Pizza syncs in connection with Chris Rock and fair Robin Tunney in Z is for Zebra and in Opening the Stargate Via Adam Sandler.