I had thought about this 007 film before as the Blue Tiger Cats in "Avatar" have GoldenEye's. Checking it out on IMDB I notice Sean Bean is innit making it even more interesting so I download...
Bond chases Famke Janssen (Scarlet Woman Dark Phoenix Jean Grey from X-Men, but that's a whole nother story..) around in some kinda high speed auto-flirtation, while seducing another lady in his own car with this very same mating display, talented man. Anyway his car plate reads 214/Bad/Jupiter, quite appropriate in many ways.
I do some quick research on Janus, smelling a Jupiter connect..
According to A. B. Cook (Classical Review, xviii. 367), Janus is only another form of Jupiter, the name under which he was worshipped by the pre-Latin (aboriginal) inhabitants of Rome; after their conquest by the Italians, Janus and Jana took their place as independent divinities by the side of the Italian Jupiter and Juno. He considers it probable that the three-headed Janus was a triple oak-god worshipped in the form of two vertical beams and a cross-bar (such as the tigillum sororium, for which see HoRATII); hence also the door, consisting of two lintels and side-posts, was sacred to Janus. The three-headed type may have been the original, from which the two-headed and four-headed types were developed. J. G. Frazer (The Early History of the Kingship, pp. 214, 285), who also identifies Janus with Jupiter, is of opinion that Janus was not originally a doorkeeper, but that the door was called after him, not vice versa.
Done deal then as far as I am concerned, Sean Bean is Zeus thus Jupiter and Janus. Clearly confirming the Janus as Jupiter idea of these researchers above.
Fascinating numbers all over GoldenEye. 42's and 27's..
Above is Bill Murray and the Red Star in "Charlies Angles", watched recently as research for a potential Drew Barrymore video.
Diaz has a Mask theme and strange attraction.
A whole can of worms is then opened up as there are so many masked and Two-Face resonators out there.
I see the Two-Face/Janus aspect of Jupiter again highlighting the 2in1 aspect of consciousness. There is an I or self that knows itSelf thus I-I. A Consciousness that is Conscious of Being Consciousness. It is one and none as it has no opposite, yet also dual as knower and known.
It is also the limited human self waking up to its Jupiter Godhead Self.
Buffy The Vampire Slayer S2 E6 Halloween
We were split, believing in our ego's or limited individual identities and are NOW healing or aligning with the self thus becoming whole.
We can be the Two-Face, blind to the fact or we can be conscious of the split which then quickly dissolves the boundary.
Peace In
That all this has been passing through the last week only to see the fellow sync heads also picking it up in recent posts suggests to me the cleft between self and other is healing fast!
The above was the Jake half of Wermes. Below is the Jim half.
Janus has interested me ever since this summer. Below is a picture of Maestro Flores showing me a pipe of his just before an Ayahuasca ceremony. We are at Manito Api, a sacred site in eastern Manitoba that he claimed is not only the birthplace of his people (the Ashanincan people of the Amazon) but as well the Point of Creation or Genesis. In Ashanincan he referred to this place as Pawa, or Father/Creator of all things. The site has the same syncnificance for the local indigenous people. They call it Manito Api or "Where the Creator Sits".
Why I bring this up is because the pipe is a Janus pipe - Ashanincan style. Two faces back to back. The two ears kind of make a hEARt.
I use this pipe to heal with during the ceremony. What I like about it is that the tobacco is put in the cranium of the God and when lit it glows as I smoke from it. Like his head is a volcano or something.
Richard: Jims Two-faced pipe reminded of this image from Batman Forever:
Later in the same scene Jim Carrey makes his appearance in front of the giant mask of Janus/Jupiter:
Shortly before all this Janus/Jupiter/Two-Face mallarky hit the Sync Whole I decided to come up with some ideas for a new Tarot deck, based loosely on the work we do here. While thinking about which actresses/actors best represented each of the 21 Major Arcana cards I started doing a couple of quick sketches.
When I got to The Lovers tarot card (number 6 in the deck) I figured that Romeo & Juliet would fit snuggly into this category. While coming up with a concept for the card I decided to focus on the very final scene where the two Lovers have taken their own lives to be with one another. In the sketch I opted for Romeo & Juliet lying on their death beds, shot through the heart by Cupids arrow. Having made the ultimate sacrifice to one another, Cupid then removes their face Masks and brings them together above his head (symbolically resurrecting them). The Two-faces then merge to become one big smiley.
In response to Jim's pick
and I got carried away
I hope the resolution is
ok when you click on it
when phone cord un-loops
and I got carried away
I hope the resolution is
ok when you click on it
when phone cord un-loops
and this I made a week or so ago, the idea was in my head for a couple weeks. It wasn't until I accidentally dropped and broke Jesus Christ that I committed to make a Janus with Jesus Malverde. (Bad Green?)
I keep thinking of Uranus, cause the names are similar. I thought Janus had something to do with the Sun but can't find what I was reading. Anywho ... sync on
I like exploring the imaginary dualism ... I like how Celtic Rebel is a sync person but all red eye and pairs up with Stygian who seems blue and beyond.
Lovely drawing Richard ... don't know enough myself to engage yet
I tried to recreate it, but it's sloppy
Ears to yeah
72 ... I want to live forever
thought y'all should Gno
Abraxas is 365
Man is 10
male is definitive and odd
female is indefinitive and even
ONE is oddly even and a Hermaphrodite
One and Two don't exist
the first four odds and first four evens
they are important
(16/20) or 1/5" ... think pentagram
to get 16 and 20 start adding
1+3+5+7 = 16
if you know short hand engineering
1/5 is the point to place a column
if you're making a door shape
with two columns and one beam
lots of messy math ... 1/5 is all you need to Gno
More GoldenEye & the PEG
including (from 11.16.2009 !! 2.7) the Trappist Monkeys.
If u check post:
Southern X-Ross Bow { The Crus of the Matter] Part deux - at TooLongInThisPlace blog , Alex writes about the Pear as resembling the heart , apparently the heart looks like an upside-down pear.
Pear = Pair = 2 faces
CD Banner is too good. Shes seen with the green man in the Mask and in the future Green lantern movie along side another green man.
A C of green
Wow, how appropriate. Over the past two days I devoured Edith Hamilton's book on mythology. And here I am browsing your blog and the first thing I see is Zeus.
But then again there have been a lot of synchs that tie in with ancient mythological on here, so I’m not surprised.
I've learned a lot from Edith’s book. I used to think the freemasons called themselves lightbringhers because they worshiped Lucifer whom I associated with the devil. But Lucifer is known as the lightbringer/bearer because he originally represented the morning star (venus) at dawn.
To quote Hamilton’s book: “Ceyx, a king in Thessaly, was the son of Lucifer, the lightbearer, the STAR that brings in the day.”
There is no scriptural source which defines Lucifer as Satan, nor has any description of Satan being an Angel of Light. http://www.city-data.com/forum/religion-philosophy/395727-who-lucifer.html#ixzz0eRROoPZd
Another interesting factoid…The word panic comes from the God named Pan. To quote Hamilton’s Mythology: “Sounds heard in the wilderness at night by the trembling traveler were supposed to be made by him, so that it is easy to see how the expression “panic” fear arose.”
Many contemporary stories have roots in ancient mythology. Like how Romeo and Juliet take off from Pyramus and Thisbe. A lot of Shakespeare’s work is based off of Greek mythology.
Could there be a connection between Double O 7, Francis Bacon whom Ian Fleming modeled his James Bond character on and William Shakespeare who is believed to be Francis Bacon.
Geoffrey Rush played Sir Francis Walsingham (the man who headed up the early days of England's secret service). How interesting that he plays along side Pierce Brosnan in the Tailor of Panama.
More on Janus from Edith Hamilton's book:
Janus, too, was originally one of the Numina, "the god of good beginnings," which are sure to result in good endings. He became personified to a certain degree. His chief temple in Rome ran east and west, where the day begins and ends, and had two doors, between which stood his statue with two faces, one young and one old. These doors were closed only when Rome was at peace. In the first seven hundred years of the city's life they were closed three times, in the reign of the good king, Numa; after the first Punic War when Carthage was defeated in 241 B.C.; and in the reign of Augustus when, Milton says,
"No war or battle's sound
Was heard the world around."
Naturally his month, January, began the new year.
i just dont get it!
and i wish i could... how do i follow this?
anyone help with what the jupiter finger means to the "jupiter/zeus/jovian". i've seen videos and read, read, read. why cant i get it? just in a line or two? anyone help
last cry.
The Index, Pointer or Trigger Finger is associated in palmistry and yoga to Jupiter. Thus when you point you invoke Jupiter.
This suggests that Jupiter is the point.
Paul relax go with the flow learn, learn learn.. its allot of information. to get it is to fail
Its a never ending puzzle complex until infinity but you can master parts of the puzzle so you can get an over sight. but you never get it.. let it flow..
Oh ps. this post freaks me out. I am Manus/ two face in manny ways.. I even have a red spot on one side of my face spliting my face in to two. doing ayauasca now for an half a year. and still everyday there is a discovery..
hugs and love.
Douwe Jan
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