I met great love - an 'other' who allows one to perceive Union - in 2001 in London. Our first evening together was spent staring at the night sky in Hyde Park. We had climbed over the walls, the park closing to the public in the evening, and lay together at the foot of the Peter Pan sculpture, in the adjacent Kensington Gardens.
The bronze statue of Peter Pan is in Kensington Gardens, next to Hyde Park. The exact location was chosen by Peter Pan's author, J.M. Barrie. Barrie lived close to Kensington Gardens and published his first Peter Pan story in 1902, using the park for inspiration.
In 1912, he found the man to make the statue, Sir George Frampton, and by 1st May that year, the sculpture was in place in Kensington Gardens.
Peter Pan Statue in Kensington Gardens
Of extreme syncnificance to our sync web is noting that Peter Pan resonates the Goat God Pan (OZ/77) and that the Illuminati was launched on May 1, just as our statue.
I would eventually journey, leaving my life long home of South Africa, to live in Winnipeg and be with the same person.
The very day I arrive in Winnipeg some friends of my partner at the time pick me up for a local treat. On the way to the Ice Cream Parlor they comment on the fact that they had just passed a Sushi Bar seeing the actor Robin Williams, who was known to be filming in town at this point, visit the restaurant.
I consider the 911 event to be an initiatory Mega Ritual of the entire humanity, marking the end of Maya and the Kali Yuga, the start of the ascension of mankind. It makes perfect internal symbolic sense to me that I would 'wake up' under Pan during 2001 and head towards the symbolic Galactic Center, waiting in Winnipeg.
Let me explain...
See Albo's Masonic Parlante in a Canadian Temple of Democracy: The Manitoba Legislative Building as Initiatory Theater for details.
Externally (image above) we see Hermes (thus THotH), locally referred to as Golden Boy, perched atop the octagonal dome. The buildings floor plan (image below), as a giant H, continues this resonance, it being the 8th letter of the alphabet.
See A virtual tour of the visual highlights of Frank Albo's mysterious Manitoba Legislative Building for Legislative Building as H reference and many amazing photos of the Temple.
See the works of Ralph Ellis such as "Eden in Egypt" for more on Tracing Boards as veiled Giza references.
There is synchromystic symmetry here between the Green Peter Pan Boy and the Golden Boy statues that connect my life narrative from London to Winnipeg.
"Hellboy 2: The Golden Army" resonates Golden Boy overtly through the shared Golden and Boy elements present in both titles.
Hellboy is fighting a forest god or plant elemental bringing strong tones of plant consciousness into the sync web.
We saw much plant consciousness examples like olives and Wall-E in the previous post.
Connecting cross-quarter with octagonal Stargate themes originates from the work of Goro Adachi.
Directly below this botanically infused architectural mandala is the blazing 8 pointed star of this three dimensional tracing board, the attention commanding and curiously named, "Pool of the Black Star". This being all the key elements of the Lodge floor which Frank Albo equates with the inner chamber and altar of King Solomon's Temple.
See Frank Albo's Virtual Tour for balustrade and blazing star as Solomon's Temple altar.
See Octagon Maat Website for lovely animation of the snug fitting Giza octagon.
The octagon is also the shape of the Dome of the Rock, a structure popularly believed to be built on the original Solomon's Temple and the home of the Templar Knights in the holy land.
Synchromystically however we only need resonance to compare symbols. Factual, rational and historical influence are secondary considerations. Practical matters can strengthen or weaken a synchromystic resonance but it certainly doesn't ultimately make or brake the case.
Again, see Ralph Ellis books like "Eden in Egypt" for Tracing Board, Giza and Solomon's Temple comparison.
If the First Degree Tracing Board helps us realize that Giza and King Solomon's Temple are intimately related, then Winnipeg's Legislative Building - Solomon's Temple built in the center of 'The New World/Atlantis'- logically shares this resonance. Someone - which in the end is always Being beyond form - has decided to recreate Giza and what Giza encodes/represents, in Winnipeg...
The octagonal Stargate shape connects all these structures through time and space.
John Major Jenkin's gives examples of the phenomena of centralized markers of 'cosmic center' in his book "Galactic Alignment".
See John Major Jenkins "Galactic Alignment" chapter "Sacred Cartography in the British Isles" for details.
Millennium synchromystically reminds us of our recent Y2K celebrations and the K2/Giza interchangeability extrapolated from Ralph Ellis' book "K2:Quest of The Gods". The book suggests Giza's Great Pyramid as a world atlas highlighting K2. Ellis states K2 has 8 faces, similar to our Great Pyramid and "The Pool of Black Star" formation observations.
Considering Winnipeg and its Legislative Building - the Thoth topped, octagonal themed, Temple Of Solomon - is located near the North American Geographic Center it becomes a strong candidate for synchromystic Galactic Center.
The Wheelchair was interpreted as synchromystic 'Chariot of the Gods' in Following Hugh Jackman Through The Atlantean Stargate. This makes "The Pool of the Dark Star" interchangeable with the Merkabah or Throne-Chariot of God. As Galactic Center (GC) and our current alignment phase, popularly called 2012, is a pointer of our true nature - infinite depth beyond thought and form (or God) - this is neat and tidy self reflective feedback syncing.
Hayden Christensen in "Jumper" opens a portal traveling instantaneously and explosively into a hospital. His particular Stargate traveling warps space violently leaving a depression in the hospital floor (above) and debris scattered around the 'jump zone'. Some of said debris is a wheelchair, its wheel still spinning, directly behind or 'sync kissing' our Jedi Knight.
Some people are destined by Grace to keep a higher frequency (Eckhart Tolle's 'Frequency Holders') of Being as the masses prepare for the move towards realization of Consciousness. Indeed raising Consciousness is a function of Frequency Holders. They are flowers that bloom early to light the way for the impending massive awakening.
In Dick's, not unique, case the experience proved overwhelming but we are none the less fortunate for his strange attracting works.
Philip K. DicK wrote "The Golden Man", resonating Winnipeg's Golden Boy, about a golden skinned mutant who has the ability to see into future possibilities.
All time/space distorting phenomena in media are direct pointers of the Stargate of Cosmic Consciousness manifesting on Earth.
A most vivid and amazing sync is about to unfold on this very rooftop 'chariot' parking lot...
In this setup he is using his abilities to see future outcomes in aid of rescuing Jessica Biel. Jessica is tied to a wheelchair with explosives wired to her body.
See World Trade Galactic Center for more appendage Stargate action
See Opening The Stargate Via Nicholas Cage for Cage as the symbolic 911(Gemini)-2012(Sagittarius) Axis.
The 2012 alignment of our solstice sun - the symbolic external drama of the organism environment field becoming aware of itself - with Galactic Center is being expressed in stone through the realization of a Stargate in Winnipeg.
Apart from Hellboy's (resonating Pan/OZ/77) overt "Hell(boy) 2: The (Golden) Army" connection to Golden Boy there is a more esoteric relationship. Hellboy implies demonic and Satanic influences along the lines of the fallen angel Lucifer Morning Star (Venus). Lucifer can be interpreted as a Promethean light bringer trying to Illuminate the ignorant adept. I see negative associations acquired by such figures as the egos desire to vilify the light of consciousness which can overcome it.
See Rant In Z-Minor for thoughts on OZ/77/Pan
See World Trade Galactic Center for GC as Monster Mouth.
The anime series Golden Boy, a perfect match to the title of the Thoth/Hermes atop the Winnipeg Legislature teaches us another powerful equivalent for Galactic Center, the vagina. The show chronicles the misadventures of a wandering - by bicycle type chariot - young horny student of the world.
The age of Aquarius and end of the Great Year entrains with the current ascension phase of awakening planetary consciousness. Seeing the cartoon cut from Aquarius to a sexually charged encounter between Golden Boy and a 'water throne' makes much synchromystic sense. The toilet in this context is the Merkabah of God and the Stargate as Aquarian waterdoor, with Golden Boy kneeling ecstatically at its foot. The Toilet has become the Throne-Chariot of God.
This also highlights how the human body is the microcosm of the universe and its excited sexual energy possible portals of the divine.
There is a relationship between Galactic Center as Monster Mouth and female sexual organ. The vilification or fear of sex and nature can be focused into the birth portal. The undeniable suppression of the female energy can be seen as the ego's fear of facets of its own nature. In this case those facets that can lead it into ecstatic knowledge of its infinite depth beyond from.
"In Mayan cosmology, the Milky Way's dark rift, as a kind of "cosmic vagina" near the Galactic Center, is the place where the sun is reborn at the end of the age."
John Major Jenkins "Galactic Center" p 115 and image above on p 116
Nut, the sky goddess brings to mind the acorn and other nut type plant consciousness and Stargate themes, still waiting to be further explored. Perhaps it solves that mystery, come to think..
See Nuts and The K2/Giza Kandy Cane
Perfect symbolism here, we see "The Golden Child", an easy synchromystic Golden Boy, with the Black Star Eddie Murphy placed over the solar orb. Encoded then, in this poster, are the major elements thus far addressed in the Legislature Building.
The 1986 film's Golden Child is a Tibetan Buddhist reincarnation who will save the world.
Kurt Russel played a pivotal role in synchromystic history when it was noted how he flies a plane towards the World Trade Center in "Escape From New York" and steps through the Stargate in the film of the same name. This was highlighted in the Nosis interview clip (see below) and remains one of my all time favorite syncs (sorry Tunney).
Of course, if the Winnipeg Legislative Building evokes Solomon's Temple and Giza then it must logically resonate the World Trade Center.
Then there is the enigmatic K2, the obvious fifth, but lets move ahead for now before this gets out of hand...
911 can be viewed as marker of a particularly pronounced phase of consciousness realization. The H of YHVH, God or Being beyond form, resonating with the Twin Towers.
Another complimentary symbol system is the 911-2012 axis. The Mayan Galactic Alignment theme (2012 Maya Mega Ritual) forms a Galactic Center-Galactic Anticenter axis. As the solstice sun moves into the Galactic Plane, a straight line, pole or axis can be traced with one end located at Galactic Center in Sagittarius (where the arrow points). The line continues from Galactic Center through our Star with the other end in Gemini or Galactic Anticentre. As the Twin Towers resonate Gemini with such force I have started considering 911 and the WTC as the base of the Galactic Center (Sagittarius)-Galactic Anticenter (Gemini) axis. The Earthly counterpart of the drama unfolding in the stars.
Taking into account what we have learned about the Manitoba Legislature, its role as symbolic Galactic Center, the idea takes form that the Sagittarius (Galactic Center) end of the 911-2012 axis points towards King Solomon's Galactic Center Temple. An amazing symmetry can then synchromystically be acknowledged between the 911 Mega Ritual's Manhattan H and the giant Winnipeg H. Indeed it might Illuminate the HH theme encoded in the Tetragrammaton YHVH and THotH. The four pillars of the HH are echoed by the 11:11 - exact moment of 2012 Solstice Alignment - and the K2 (K being 11th letter of the alphabet) Mountain theme.
If we compare "The Pool of the Black Star" with "The Dragon of the Black Pool" the Dragon and Star feel, initially, an uncomfortable fit. If we however combine the two and realize that the 'Dragon Star Constellation' or Draco resides above the North Ecliptic Pole, our eyes might open to the alchemical gold of synchromysticism.
The North Ecliptic Pole, the unvarying pivot around which the processional cycle slowly turns, points towards the stars of Draco. Connecting the octagonal blazing black star at the base of the Legislative Building with procession is something I have heard Frank Albo do as he walks around the balustrade - physically mimicking procession - inside the rotunda directly underneath Golden Boy.
Both the axes of 'Galactic Center (Sagittarius, 2012, Winnipeg) -Galactic Anticentre (Gemini, 911, NY)', depicted as line A above and 'Northern Ecliptic Pole - Southern Ecliptic Pole', depicted as C above, are called Dragons in "The Mysteries of The Great Cross of Hendaye" by Jay Weidner and Vincent Bridges.
Calling the infinite variations and flavors of world axes or a axis mundi reverberating fractally and infinitely through the macro and microcosm 'Dragons-Axes' works well in our current sync web. On a human scale the Dragon-Axes would be our DNA and Kundalini energy coiling up the spirit body around the spine. In the Winnipeg Solomon's Temple the Dragon Axis extends from the blazing black star as Draco through the balustrade and rotunda continuing on up into the dome and Golden Boy, then beyond. We can, if we want, imagine this as the Kundalini system of the giant Golden THotH atop the octagon Stargate, representing all mankind as we align with Galactic Center and Cosmic Consciousness.
This inference, of synchromystic compatibility between "The Dragon of the Black Pool" and "The Pool of the Black Star" becomes far more solid when we note a few points about "Big Trouble in Little China's" director John Carpenter. Not only did he also direct the 911 resonating "Escape From New York" with Kurt Russel but his brake out film was "Dark Star" echoing the the Blazing octagonal "Pool of the Black Star" one more time.
Beverly Hills Cop II 1987 Trailer
A central joke, even featured in the trailer, of "Beverly Hills Cop 2" sees Axel Foley 'stealing' a mansion. Axel tells the foreman of a construction company, after flashing his badge, he is the building inspector. He insists that the square house should have had no right angles and been made to be donut shaped or circular. The builders leave, the Black Star claims the dwelling as his own...
An axle is the most central part of a wheel or gear. Our Black Star, or synchromystically our Dragon Axis, floats in the pool of his misappropriated 'circular' marble mansion. This mirrors Solomon's Prairie Temple to a perfect T. We have a Golden Boy resonating Black Star and Dragon Axis inside a pool and a 'circular' resonating building.
The main henchwoman pursued by The Black Star wears giant wing earrings lending her the appearance of Hermes-Thoth Trismigestus.
They further interpret this as knowledge of the heavens (significantly, Galactic Alignment, I imagine..) symbolically represented by armillary spheres which were the true heads or Baphomet (image below). This fits in perfectly with our synchromystic interpretation of disembodied heads - and the closely related, giant heads - as pointers towards Galactic Center.
We return to "The Golden Child" and find our Black Star (Eddie Murphy) questing, currently in Tibet (below). He encounters a local monk, Victor Wong (R.I.P. 12th September 2001!), the Aquarian energy manipulator and patron of the "Dragon of the Black Pool Restaurant" in "Big Trouble In Little China". If we reflect on the Murphy's "Beverly Hills Cop 2 (Gemini)" pool floating mysteries we realize how both these actors share the Aquarius energy.
A grey octagon kisses the Black Star on his way back to America in a Himalayan airport. It reads 'Hotel Everest Sheraton' the only peak that beats K2 for size and syncing up with the shape already much discussed.
Below the 'central Axel', still in "The Golden Child", is caught in frame with, James Hong or Lo Pan (OZ/77) from "Big Trouble in Little China".
Below lies Peter Pan (OZ/77) clutching the Holy Grail in "The Fisher King". A Zebra sync winks under a rainbow ("Somewhere over the rainbow..") on Robin's pillow. The Zebra is the walking, breathing checkerboard and the white and black Sphinx pulling the Chariot from the Rider-Waite Tarot deck.
I view any extremely syncnificant concrete external object, like the Grail, as pointers towards the divine infinite depth of no-thing. No intrinsically limited object in space time can become the totality. Examples of such type pionters include: "the Holy Grail, pyramids, the Ark, the benben, Winnipeg's Legislative Building, the Black Stone, Robin Tunney.. (ad your favorite thing)".
See Z is for Zebra and JFK Stargate Mega Ritual for more Zebra mystery.
It is of most interest to me that Robin Williams would 'welcome' me to Winnipeg, the home of the Galactic Center Temple, while 2 years hence I would discover the heart stopping sync force that is Robin Tunney. Here then, the twin male and female Robins that have interacted intimately with the course of my existence.
See The Tunney Trillogy
See Happy Birthday Robbin Tunney
The cheribum resonate the winged creatures that accompany the Merkabah in Ezekiel's vision. The Throne-Chariot of God is an obvious interchangeable Ark, making cherub also Noah's olive branch carrying dove. As all arks and cuboids lead to the symbolism of Giza, its King's Chamber and once secret cubit proportions, the doves are also Sphinx. In our sync web, the winged cheribum are also the twin Robins.
Fascinating to note then that Wikipedia has this to say about the Merkabah:
In Christianity, the man, lion, ox, and eagle are used as symbols for the four evangelists (or gospel-writers), and appear frequently in church decorations. They also appear in the Tarot card "The World". The creatures are called Zoë (or the Tetramorph), and continuously surround the throne of God in Heaven
Zoe is also found in the Gnostic Gospels or Nag Hammadhi library as Sophia (Life), Eve (one of the Twins/Gemini from the Garden of Eden) and the daughter of God.
Below Zoe looks inside the Ark of the Covenant, the Holiest of all Holies (HH). This is a still from the "Robot Chicken" episode "Slaughterhouse on the Prairie". A spoof is taking place lampooning, the kids show "The Magic Garden" (resonating Eden), where usually the Storybox would open and tell a harmless tale under the Magic Tree (Dragon Axis). Now however, the box has become the Ark from "Indiana Jones Raiders of the last Ark" and the spirits of the dead are about to kill all unworthy who would dare look upon the sanctuary of YHVH. Robin Tunney, Zoe and Zebra, voices one of the characters in this sketch.
The symbolism activates 'the road to awe'. The Winnipeg Legislative Building has an altar - King Solomon's no less, formed by the blazing octagonal black star and the balustrade - we can thus easily consider the building a "Slaughterhouse on the Prairie". Both these 'Prairie house' resonators contain the Ark of the Covenant and Zoe!
Frank Albo for Illuminating Winnipeg's Temple of Solomon and the use of photos from his collection of the building and its artifacts.
Jim Sanders for insight, help and inspiration.
Goro Adachi for connecting the dots between Octagon, Stargate and Cross-Quarter
Michael from Gosporn for his great work and the HH lead.
There's something with red, black and white being associated with gold. I just did a post that incorporates those colors. For example the nazi's used red, black and white and were searching for a golden child (blonde haired kids). I read somewhere that the Egyptians said gold was the colors of the gods' skin, but I can't find a reference of them saying it. In Eyes Wide Shut the head master had a gold mask which I think was a resonator of Egyptian gods.
I thought the golden boy you refered to as Mercury looked a bit more like Prometheus.
Robin Williams also played MorK from OrK in the seventies sitcom Mork and Mindy, resonating KK. He was also the voice of the Genie in the Disney movie Aladin's Lamp. the story of Aladin is based on older legends of Solomon using a power ring to control Genies to build his temple. The comic book character Green Lantern is based from Aladin's Lamp.
You'll love this Jake, in this comic it shows people between what appears to be the WTC rising through the sky while the wielder of the genie energy is powerless to do anything!
Jesus H Christ, Jake Kotze. I feel like I was just hit by a train. I loved the ark as omphalos sync.
This "blazing black star" seems to add credence to the idea that every galactic center is a 'black hole". Speaking of vaginas, your mentioning of them instantly reminded me of the 'vagina dentata' archetype, the best example of which can be found in the native american mythos. Naturally, this made me think of the vesica PISCIS (aquarius) neatly invoked by the eye, (monster) mouth, vagina, and even dual-armed spiral galaxies- the center, or point of convergence, of which is the liminal, threshold, gateway, synthesis, focal point. This painted a clear image of 'mouth AS gateway'.
Thank you, Mr. Kotze!
God forbid I forget to share with you two images I recently encountered on the web (unfortunately I was unable to find links for you).
Item A was a toilet in a public stall which was modified by adding wheelchair wheels on either side. It was apparently an ad to discourage drunk driving.
Item B was a vehicularized outhouse.
I found these curious chariots worth sharing with you.
Half of what you say is true. Half of what you say is false. Half of what you say is complete and utter nonsense.You are still a Discordian Prankster. All pleasures of the material or flesh are Stargates. All form is Symbol.... And I can rock the Microphone to your hair turns gray.
Wild man!
Another H showed up this week - Virgin Galactic's White Knight Two, which is a twin fuselage "guardian" of the central spaceship/grail/stargate. Sir Richard seems quite symbolically literate.
The car "kissing" the wheel chair is a Lincoln.
Hi Jake,
I live in a city called Wolverhampton, which is only 40 odd miles west of Venonae!
I find that to be absolutely insane, considering I've been a fan of your work since the early youtube vids.
cant you just conform and give your power to the ambigious eye?
for verification for me to say this, the merkaba sits to the right.
once again jake, your blog is my college
I know this is a morbid sync. But it seems like the better way to look at it. On the same day that Jake lays out his Winnipeg as Galactic Centre post, a man decapitates another man randomly on a bus to Winnipeg while Judas Priest plays a concert in Winnipeg where a massive disembodied Nostradamus head is displayed. Two syncs and clear pointers to galactic centre indeed.
"A man was stabbed to death then beheaded on a Greyhound bus in an apparent random act of violence last night, according to an eyewitness."
"So aside from opening number Prophecy, halfway-point marker Death, and a backdrop depicting the famed seer as a disembodied head (with glowing eyes, yet) the Priest crew were content to send fans home happy by offering up versions of past hits that were at once lived-in and startlingly fresh. "
What is up with the de-caput-ation? Your mystic syncro's are amazing. I find myself reading them twice for memory. With the art of memory the syncromystics will be well served by our researchers like you. Shine forth brave souls. Respectfully, Dennis from Oregon.
Also Eddie, the black star meets Hugh Hefner (HH). :)
Hard and Heavy! Hotze!
Hay is 5
Hayt is 8
Suares ... "Hhayt, as the seed of un-evolved, unstructured, energy, contributes to the spelling (structure) of no other letter. It is the darkness of Hhoshekh, the wisdom of Hhokmah, the heat of the Sun and the consciousness of Eve. As the archetype of pure unstructured consciousness/energy it is inner life, the counterpart of the outer, evolutionary life of Hay."
quote source
Hheva as Eve
Hhoshekh as Darkness
Hhokhmah as Wisdom
Hhamah as Sun
Abram has an H nailed/inserted into his name, ie he becomes inner receptive she
Sara has an H added to to her name, ie she ends in new found maleness
Such is copulation with g o d, the faithful spouse of allahhhhhhhhhh!
A few thoughts that arose while reading this:
1) The "Golden Boy" anime, Kintaro, goes back to Japanese folk lore, to a Kintaro man-child who was known for wrestling giant snakes and large mouthed carps:
2) In both Eddie Murphy Posters, he is posed in front of silhouettes of a palm lined street, meant to portray LA. However, this has a strong resonance with ancient Egypt as well. So the Golden Child poster in paralleling Egypt and Tibet...
3) In the picture of the WTC light up from behind, you can clearly see a cross design in the windows. I have never noticed this before and would like to find some other pictures. Does this design apply to both buildings?
The toilet and the tie to drinking darkness, galactic center, open mouths, vagina dentata, etc. is telling.
How we love ourselves is how we feel about our liquids. It is amazing that western women have come to abhor their menstrual cycle and to consider the religious sources that made this happen. How many do not like their own love liquids, male and female, and that female ejaculate was considered a myth and is still hotly denied. Ramifications of this last and its ties to bliss denied also makes for muse.
a take on toilet training and its effect on not being able to let go
Norman O Brown's "Life Against Death" had a great chapter called "The Excremental Vision" that tackled the scat of Swift and others who see repression of sex and the trajectory it entails.
The backside of God and the face of Moses equally come together at the mouth of a cave.
Sub-Humans would rather kill people than have sex with them. Celtic Rebels latest on Quinten Tarantino made this point nicely.
One of the ultimate heresies is to say the body and blood of Christ body are the sacraments of sex. The body is made way far out there. Those in bodies become fodder for Gehennas table.
We used to eat at Gehennas table under green trees, consequences under control, honest mouths sharing real bodies, loves choice. We now eat at Gehennas table on tree denuded battle fields, consequences out of control, lying mouths devouring all the bodies, no choice.
Such is the game of the idol when the penis of Osiris is a stake.
Hey folks, glad you dig it and thanks for the fascinating sync winks.
The new X-Files movie continues this decapitated head theme surfacing right now...
About the Discordian comment.
I think I try and portray reality as I see it, maybe with a little silly well intended nudge-nudge wink-wink here and there. I believe its reality that is the prankster you perceive, not me..
How about the mercurial/aquarius/waterdoor vortex created by the toilet flush.
Nice Peter Pan sync, Jake. "Second star on the right straight on till morning." Sirius stuff indeed.
There was a beheading on a greyhound(Egypt origins)bus today, but the kick comes in here..
The bus was traveling along the Trans-Canada Highway from Edmonton, Alberta, to Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Jim S link above deserves a second wink..
Beheaded on a bus bound for Winnipeg
and eyewitness accounts
Scary synch Jake!
Article mentioned 'knife registry' as in weapon control = what a joke!
Zorro (movie they had just watched) is OZian in name phonetically and has vigilante justice as theme. The cops who show up say he should get the full punishment of the law, ie no vigilantes allowed.
If someone had a gun handy and shot the bastard at the first do you think it would have sent a different message to the masses?
Per Wikipedia Greyhound was found by one Wickman and "Greyhound...at one time billed itself as the "Official Cruise Line of Walt Disney World"."
Amazing synchs Jake, I was waiting on your next post and you certainly delivered. Great stuff. I wanted to also throw out some of my findings with the H, 8, Octagonal Stargate stuff. I have some syncs with 8 and Nuit. 8 is also Cheth in Hebrew, and in the Esoteric Tradition attributed to the sign of Cancer, that also being an as above so below metaphor as well as the summer solstice house. Interestingly enough H is also connected with its tarot attribution THE CHARIOT . The Chariot being drawn by black and white sphinxs. With the Crab of cancer located above the fully armored charioteers head may also be seen a silver star. Mercury is also tied in as the chariot or the messenger as the stars in the background of the chariot symbolize NUIT the lady of the stars. Ive found that in Geometry, Geomancy, and Magick the Octagon is relative to the as above so below saying. A symbol of earth and heavens. The square being a symbol of the earth and 4 directions the finite, and the circle encompassing the above world of the galaxy the infinite, the macrocosm and microcosm. Thus making an Octagon or Squaring the Circle, bringing together heaven and earth, the star-gate. H also has ties in ancient egypt with the it originating as a symbol of thread, thus the spiral also resonating with the 64 Codons of the DNA, as well as the symbol for fence and ladder, the ladder also being a stargate metaphor ie. Jacobs Ladder. The 8 cross quarter holidays and chakras too. Keep up the amazing and inspiring work. More on 8 over at my blog. Be well Jake
uGreat post, though my head is beginning 2 spin with all of this information, I've been having a hard time remembering a lot of stuff like the date, time, and month as though all my memory is being gradually replaced with symbolism...one thing is for sure, one way or another in the next few years I am going 2 loose my ego, if not by the ostensible 2012 Mayan eschaton, or the New World Order/"Great Purification"/whatever, then due to a permanent psychosis induced by your insidious brainchild, synchromysticism as I will surely never be able 2 look at a symbol, number, or letter again till the end of my days without investigating for synchronicities....:D okay I just had 2 amuse myself, I am still patiently awaiting your Buffy post. I'm assuming it will eigther involve the white dress and cross (hence perhaps Wise Priestess/Isis) laden newly resurrected from a puddle (hence stargate baptizmal waterdoor) buffy in season 1 accursing the master through an octagon in the series finale of season 1 2 his death, the werewolf Oz, or the witch Willow's cosmic illumination and subsequent illumination and evolution of all the potential slayers in the last episode, those r all I could find in it yet that seemed interesting.
ps the sphinxs/cherubim on the Chariot/8/ card synchronize with the 4 symbols of the platonic zodiac from ezekiels vision and the wheelchariot as well. Blessings be well jake- kev
I'm drawn to thinking of ancient detective prog - STARS, KEY and H-WTC-H. I take a liberty with the W , but double U, close enuff
Golden Boys another GB
Have to reread this at a leisurely place
I recently realized now why in "fourty year old virgin" (im a 22 year old one), they sing the age of aquaris at the very end.
Hi Jake, I just stumbled across your thought-provoking material. Very cool! I have touched on synchronicity as it relates to the underlying structures of reality with my project Imagining the Tenth Dimension, but synchromysticism is not a concept I had run across before. I will definitely be linking to this material from my blog, since it connects so nicely to my own explorations.
Nice to know there are others out here on the Canadian prairies thinking these really big thoughts!
Rob Bryanton
So < bus to Winnipeg, man decapitates another.
Your article has veered towards Winnipeg, so I wonder [ objectively, I hope] whether this ' crazed' but psychically resonant' act was picked up by among others , the Blob, even though I agree, the Winnipeg thing had been out and about for a while.
Yet this post did focus on architecture and rituals [ though in films] around a Masonic [ not good/bad], and decapitation does come over ritualistic.
I appreciate the Blob tends to keep some distance from the 'sinister' and 'finding nasty shit', there's alot of it around.
FRom Prague it's 2 Winnipeg's in a week, while from Winnipeg it might be mixed into a larger media picture
Also 9 die on K2 [todays Yahoo]
"Synchromystically however we only need resonance to compare symbols. Factual, rational and historical influence are secondary considerations. Practical matters can strengthen or weaken a synchromystic resonance but it certainly doesn't ultimately make or brake the case."
James Joyce said "history is a nightmare from which I am trying to awake".
I think we are finally awakening.
You'll like this one.
Some wicked syncs in eddy murphys new comedy, meet dave.
I find it odd that Boards of Canada's last release "Trans-Canada Highway" and the street on which a man was recently beheaded on a 'mega-chariot' sync together. Precognitive skills? BoC have been known to dabble in subliminals.
paging Dr. Kotze,
Corbu made an altar of a urinal bowl rotated and Duchamp made a fountain for drinking out of a rotated urinal.
Other nuts worth mentioning are the type Men bust, "see/sea"men
don't know if you know this or not but Kurt Russel and Goldie Hawn have a cabin not too far from Winnipeg in the Lake of the Woods area.
your clutching at straws here, finding things that are conected only in the pattern in your head. anything can appear to have a similaritty or conection if you look for it anough. the letter H is just a convinience of symetry which is a nesecity of life. a H symbol can easily be viewed as perhaps an I or an X or any other perspective i look at it from.
Found you on an Ezekial / Merkabah / Thunderbird , synchromancy wave. Interesting things you ve connected, and you ve put another stone in my bridge.
^^ cheers for that. I.A.O.
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