I had never heard of Rose Byrne, her Moon Halo however immediately entranced me.
The very first shot already 'had me' as we see a playground, its walls decorated with Blue Birds flying over a rainbow as well as Yellow Flowers.
The Blue Birds that fly over the rainbow - "somewhere over the Rainbow, blue birds fly" Judy Garland in The Wizard of Oz - were discussed heavily in The SpiriT of The Blue Bird. Rainbow happens when light refracts at a 42 degree angle. The 42 is associated to the alchemical symbol for Jupiter, which is also the alchemical sign of Tin.
These matters are addressed in detail in Jumpiter but it is enough to know that rainbows, which Blue Birds enjoy flying over, resonate 42/Jupiter and Tin.
Let's not forget the obvious connects here: Australia often called OZ, the Australian film Rage In Placid Lake, the Australian actress Rose Byrne and the images of the Blue Bird/Rainbow all resonating the film The Wizard of Oz.
This is a sculpture that stood between the Towers, inside of a fountain, until it was damaged by the WTC collapse.
Much discussed in old posts and videos, try Rant In Z-Minor
The Yellow Flower was much discussed in a recent Blob post as an element found strange attracted to Kirsten Dunst.
The general feel is that the yellow flower represents star/sun/enlightenment or Christ Consciousness.
Above with yellow flowers in a television series "Touched by an Angel" (episode "Into the Light") and below with daisy at Ajna Chakra in "Dick".
As well as the solar Yellow Flower connect, we also see Queen (Kiki) and Duchesse (Rose) view the sunrise below.
The sun and Rose Byrne can not be separated, as we shall soon see, to the point where I can honestly not tell which is her primary sphere. Perhaps Rose is a combination...
At this notice I become convinced Byrne is a Synchromystic Moon Star or a sync 'resonatres' of Luna. After more speculation, some soon to be divulged, I am less certain as this apears to be only half of Rose's story..
Knowing revolves around Nicholas Cage discovering a code prophetically predicting key disaster dates and the amount of people who die during these events.
This is just too perfect as synchronicities revolving around 911 helped wake me up to the living union of I AM and gave synchromysticism the kick it needed to flower.
Synchronicities like the OZ Sphere between the Manhattan Twin Pillarmids (Pyramids/Towers/Pillars) at the end of the yellow brick road in The Wiz and the "2001: Space Odyssey" Monolith fashioned Millenium Hilton at Ground Zero.
This seems to be the sync WE/ME have addressed that has captured the most peoples imagination. Understandably so, I guess...
An object that oversees humanities key historic shift in a fictional film (considered a corner stone of cinema) and real life event that marked a change in history, both centered on 2001. It's pretty hard to ignore.
In my mind these and other 911 synchronicitiess dwarfed the possibility of conscious human orchestration leading to the letting go of paranoia and conspiracy as key dynamic that governs world affairs. The new ruler of the Earth had to be something bigger than any human or material agency and had to involve my own consciousness directly.
My attraction to spiritual matters moved into the affair and a new understanding of the 'non-local Self orchestrating organism of Being' awakened in ME/WE.
The architect of the WTC, Minoru Yamasaki, intended the Sphere to represent the Black Cuboid Kaaba at Mecca and it rotated once every 24 hours (42 Horus).
Pretty awesome as this yet again - as we have already seen in the 2001 Monolith and Millenium Hilton design - brings this kind of shape into the sync web of 911.
Considering we have already seen Nicholas Cage interact with 911 in Knowing things start heating up.
-He appears as a firefighter who gets trapped under the collapsed Twin Towers in Oliver Stone's "World Trade Center"
-He finds a code which predicts future disasters when noticing 911 in Knowing.
-His name appears over Manhattan Buildings and the WTC in Moonstruck.
-He stars in Werner Herzog's "Bad Lieutenant" which opened on 9/11 this year.
If we consider the 2001 film and Hilton connect as a primary anchor for these syncs then perhaps further investigation into that film's mythos and its sequel 2010 can provide a framework upon which to hang for the myriad of syncs we could get lost in.
Actually, this is very simple if we limit ourselves to key locations where the Monolith interacts with humanity after the first evolutionary encounter on Earth.
I think of this as as first step on the Stairway to Heaven.
Eric Bana as Hector takes his first look at Rosa/Moon and says:
"A servant of Apollo now" noting her ordainment as a priestess in the Temple.
I like how the Apollo 11 insignia above doesn't depict humans landing on the moon but fauna and flora. WE/ME are indeed only a facet of Earths consciousness doing our small part of the Great Work of which the plants and animals are vital components. Without plants and animals the Moon landing would never have happened. The patch can also perhaps be considered prophetic of the movement of animal and plant life to the sphere of the Moon.
The Animal chosen to represent the first human Contact with the moon entity is the Eagle. The Eagle is Zeus/Jupiter, letting us know that the next key step, just like in 2001, is Jupiter. The fact that technologically WE/ME cannot physically travel to Jupiter any time soon, suggesting that Contact with Entity Jupiter will be trans-physical.
Can it be that simple? Earth, Moon, Jupiter and Beyond the Infinite?
When ever Sam gets a call from Earth in Moon it has a ridiculous delay as it has been realyed via 'Jupiter link'. This is repeated a few times in the film : "Call via Jupiter link". I believe this was the only other body mentioned in Moon, certainly the most prominent, excepting Earth.
We keep seeing how Moon and Jupiter associate intimately through sync.
So with that in mind we look for the Kabbalah correspondence to Jupiter and we are introduced to Chesed or Mercy.
Dolphins, seen in shot with the Moon in the 42 laden H2G2, are also associated to Jupiter via the sphere Chesed on the Tree of Life. Thanks Will!
Chesed is a Blue Sphere. We will see more and more how Jovian themes beckon us to take note of a Blue Star or Sun.
The Moon is also often associated with Blueness the term Blue Moon being a famous expression. Susynctly the Full Moon of 31 December 2009 was called a Blue Moon, perfect considering the Blue Sphere resonance we are showing as associated to 2010 and Jupiter.
The Blue Sphere resonence of both Moon and Jupiter show the interpenetration and mirroring of closely related symbols.
On vacation in South Africa I visited a Town called Jeffreys Bay. Like many towns and cities one quickly notices Totemic animals and plants associated to that specific location.
Jeffreys Bay was covered in Dolphin imagery and references. As the area code is 042 all business displays would carry the code of Jupiter and H2G2 often with a nearby Dolphin or two. Over the years of participating in synchromysticism I have started to trust the associations in immediate environment, such as 42/Dolphin/Jupiter as clear indications of sacred principals. When reading Will's account of how Kabala also makes the connection between Dolphin and Jupiter the trust is shown as legitimate. I am more confident every day to trust association received via pop and environment regardless of whether there exists any occult or esoteric precedent for such a connection.
However, to make amends for killing Python, as the fearsome beast was the son of Gaia, Apollo had to serve king Admetus for nine years (in some versions eight) as a cowherd. This he did, and when he returned to Pytho he came in the guise of a dolphin bringing with him priests from Crete (Apollo's cult title "Delphinios" meaning dolphin or porpoise, is probably how Delphi was so named). After killing Python and taking possession of the oracle, the god of light (Phobus) became known as "Pythian Apollo". He dedicated a bronze tripod to the sanctuary and bestowed divine powers on one of the priestesses, and she became known as the "Pythia". It was she who inhaled the hallucinating vapors from the fissure in the temple floor, while she sat on a tripod chewing laurel leaves. After she mumbled her answer, a male priest would translate it for the supplicant. Delphi became the most important oracle center of Apollo, there were several including Clarus and Branchidae.
Cosmic intelligences or consciousness from space resonate Cosmic Consciousness. E.T then is a symbol of alignment with Self and the realization of your own Consciousness. First Contact, mystical Illumination and simply realizing or acknowledging You ExisT, is all the same thing: intensity of experience varying depending on context and temperament of Being undergoing the phenomena.
Above in the still from Scream we note the DNA resonating coil of the telephone as a plant and illuminated lamp sync wink behind.
See Michael and The Ark for more MJ and Drew syncs.
The monkey is a symbol of evolution being an animal that shares 98% of our DNA Blue Print.
The sun has been taken from its central position in the model solar system by Star Cage and moved closer towards Jupiter revealing the Sun/Star resonance of the Jovian Sphere seen overtly in 2010: The Year We Make Contact.
We saw earlier that the Moon is very present in Knowing as Diana or Rose Byrne. Again, Moon & Jupiter.
Jim Sanders, an ayahuasqeuro, documentary filmmaker and ill wicked synchromystic, did an Ayahuasca ceremony one evening, the next night (18 October 2009) finding himself sitting down to watch Knowing. Susynctly just in time to realize that the final date on Nicholas Cage's disaster code (19 October 2009), the date the world ends, just so happens to be the very next day in 'real life'.
This was 10 days ago of this writing and a post was made about the incident at The Sync Whole.
The Red Eye of Jupiter sync kisses Cage and merges with another picture on his Computer screen of the Sun. Jupiter is merging with our Sun, becoming the Second Sun.
If we recall Rose Byrne plays Diana/Moon in this film, it becomes fascinating to bare in mind the extreme solar quality of the proceedings i.e Earth being terminated ViA solar flare. Especially when we take another Rose Byrne StarRing role into account, that of Danny Boyle's 2007 Sci-Fi film, conveniently titled for our purposes, Sunshine.
Is Byrne both Sun & Moon? Are we seeing in Rose Byrne's Composite Character the inseparability of the Sun & Moon owing to Luna shining as a mirror of sunlight?
The sun is dying and the only way to save Earth is to create a second sun inside the original ViA nuclear explosion. This is not me taking artistic license, they call this process creating another sun inside of the Sun.
This is the name of the Greek character who flew with his wax wings to close to the sun and fell to his death and also that of Rose Byrne's Starship in Sunshine.
The solar Knowing and Sunshine changing our perception of Byrne into both a Solar and Lunar SyncStar & displaying the interrelated nature of these spheres.
From the opening voice over of Sunshine:
"Our payload: A stellar bomb with the mass of Manhattan Island. Our purpose: To create a star within a star"
The mention of Manhattan Island resonates 911 as the location of the event that sparked a huge consciousness shift. Blogger Richard Arrowsmith has noted that Island is 'Eye/I Land' resonating Self Being realized.
A cube can be folded from the cross when represented as six squares and we see above, in this Dali painting, the strong mystical association between Christ and cube.
This is then revealing the short answer to the mystery of the cube, synchromystically all cuboids and arks are potent symbols of Christ Consciousness.
The esoteric connection between Christ and the Sun (Son)* is also very solid making a cube dropping into the sun, as seen in Sunshine, very susynct.
*There are infinite ways of demonstrating the Jesus as Sun resonator connect.
-The rebirth cycle of the Biblical Christ mirroring the Solar cycles such as Christmas/Easter falling on or near key seasonal dates.
-The 12 Apostles being the 12 months of a year or 12 Zodiac signs related to the orbit around the 13th central hub Sun/Christ.
- The similarities between the story of Jesus and those of other solar rebirth Gods: Horus, Mithra, Buddha etc.
This is then revealing the short answer to the mystery of the cube, synchromystically all cuboids and arks are potent symbols of Christ Consciousness.
The esoteric connection between Christ and the Sun (Son)* is also very solid making a cube dropping into the sun, as seen in Sunshine, very susynct.
*There are infinite ways of demonstrating the Jesus as Sun resonator connect.
-The rebirth cycle of the Biblical Christ mirroring the Solar cycles such as Christmas/Easter falling on or near key seasonal dates.
-The 12 Apostles being the 12 months of a year or 12 Zodiac signs related to the orbit around the 13th central hub Sun/Christ.
- The similarities between the story of Jesus and those of other solar rebirth Gods: Horus, Mithra, Buddha etc.
The symbolism of the creation of a star or second sun becomes then the realization of Christ Consciousness. Many interrelated and interchangeable systems of thought exist for Christ Consciousness; ones used by The Blob include : Illumination, Conscious Consciousness (KKonsciousness, I-I), Cosmic Consciousness & Enlightenment etc.
The ONE NOW that is in a state of kNOWing that it Is.
I Am that I Am.
Take the Christ Consciousness connection to evolution into account, while viewing the Cher Moonstruck poster above. Her posture is exactly like a crucified Jesus.
*See Image Below for Jupiter Finger
The realization of your own indivisible, infinite and eternal Self is the ultimate expression of the birth of Christ, the second sun.
At the end of 2001 Dave Bowman made it to Jupiter after a bit of trouble with the ships A.I. HAL 9000. A.I are Tin Men, machines needing a heart. Very susynct that a Tin Man has to pilot a spaceship to Jupiter as Jupiter's planet symbol is also the alchemical symbol for Tin.
A.I is also A Self, a realized Consciousness.
Jupiter's Red Eye is a giant swirling vortex bearing associations with the myriad of spinning mandala shapes which we will address shortly.
The amazing entrainment with Kurt Russel flying towards the WTC in "Escape From New York" and being the first person through the stargate in "Stargate" and how this associates with 911 and its Monolith is explored in videos like "StarMummy".
This 'trip' represents the next evolutionary stage of Consciousness moving beyond identification with the physical and mind made.
In 2010 we return to Jupiter with Helen Mirren as Russian Cosmonaut Tanya Kurbick (anagram for Kubrick and a K2).
Explored in the video Heart City.
Heart City from Jake Kotze on Vimeo.
How about that as synchrofirmation of 42 connecting to Jupiter? The same person who realizes 42 as the meaning of life is present at Jupiter when she goes nova!
Jupiter becoming a second sun in 2010 is related to our Enlightenment as a species. The Sun is Christ or I. The second sun is the awareness of this I, thus the I-I.
Jupiter becoming a sun/son is the external symbol of KKonsciousness becoming aware of itself.
Subtle process is always reflected in the material realm, indeed they are one and the same.
The question that is begged here is: Considering "2001 A Space Odyssey" entrained so perfectly with our evolution is "2010 The Year We Make Contact" continuing the trend and telling us about next year (this year actually as I continue to wrestle with this post)?
This is exactly where WE/ME are headed NOW and I ask you to use your heart and not your mind. All will sync in.
The heart knows that any and everything are intimately connected and related and that this is no threat to consciousness, it is KKonsciousness!
In "28 Weeks Later" with Rose Byrne we find the I-I expressed as Eye-Eye (see poster above) one blue and one red (technically in the film referred to as green and brown, but looking very blue and red, either way highlighting duality, thus same).
28 is a number strongly associated to the cycles of the sun and moon spheres as one year has 13 lunar months of 28 days each.
Two eyes or circle dots express the I-I, yet true to the fractal nature of all, one eye or circle dot also reflects the sacred I-I. In one eye the two are represented by the single dot and its secondary, the surrounding circle.
A circle and a dot is a portal for God/Spirit into matter. That is why the eye takes on the shape of I/God or Circle Dot.
Why is that we can tell more about the state of each other by looking into our eyes, then with any other physical aspect? "I could see it in her eyes". Why when we are in love can we see it in a persons eyes? It has relatively little measurable physical change regardless of the state of the person. Why can WE/ME often not bare to look each other in the eye?
It's because the eye is the portal of God into matter and we can see the Infinite in them and each other.
When a person is thinking and not attending to you while you are communicating we say: "His eyes were glazed over". This is because the awareness or Being/Spirit moving through the person was for a while consumed by the mind and they are not present. Literally there is less God in the persons eyes.
"She has such piercing eyes" i.e "when she looks at me we are both very present in the NOW".
When WE/ME say I is Eye, this is very, very susynct!
Andy's variant eyes resonate the multiple dualities associated to the external heavenly drama reflecting realization/integration of Consciousness (the I-I). The ones we have mentioned thus far being: the spheres of Sun & Moon, the Sun and Jupiter as 1st and 2nd Sun and also the Sun as partnered with possible binary Sirius. Another dual for our central Christ or Sun is the heart of the Galaxy itself or Galactic Center.
Even our two steps of Moon and Jupiter form an I-I.
Again regardless of which system WE/ME prefer to focus on, inevitably WE/ME are drawn to the ultimate duality that these are all just reflections of, the I-I (Eye-Eye of Andy in 28 Weeks Later). The Knower and the Known which ultimately merge into the unified Knowing.
On all fractal levels of reality WE/ME represent Divinity, primarily as either a pillar or a circle. Christian crosses or the Kabala Tree of Life are examples of Pillars type symbol systems, while Mandalas are good examples of circular Reality models.
These dualities arise from the mind attempting to model the same 'ultimate object' from different perspectives. A facet or individual singular I, the mind made self, trying to model the ultimate I-I.
Rtaher then having an actual physical form the 'ultimate object' is a representation of principles and relationships mirroring the characteristics of our true Self.
Let's use the example of DNA in the microcosm and galaxies in the macrocosm to illustrate some characteristics of the Ultimate Object as they suite the syncs discussed thus far.
We could just as easily have used other pillar/circle objects, less relatively far apart, say the human Spinal Column and Subtle Body (a pillar from the side view yet a toroid mandala from the top) as compared to tornadoes and hurricanes (pillars from profile and vortexes from above).
See E.T Ipsissimus of the A.:A.: for more about the two systems of symbolic representation of God.
If you trace the perimeter of a circle as a movement through time you get the sine shape.
This side view and overhead view of "Ultimate Object" are indeed interchangeable and ONE.
Think about StarG8 sequences in films, when characters time travel or warp. StarG8's are usually depicted as someone zipping down a swirling vortex tunnel.
Head on it's the 'circle dot' mandala , from the side it's a corridor...
If we allow ourselves to associate blood with DNA/'ultimate object' many cinematic themes and scenes are suddenly illuminated.
Consider for example again the significance of Drinking Red Wine/Blood in the Eucharist and its association to Vampire films. Not only does the activity resonate ceremonially ingesting the Christ but also the substance being invoked, blood, carries the DNA with now clearly divine attribution.
See Sync Whole post Aligning with Galactic Center is Close for more on Close as GC.
Liberty is Isis and Isis is the Great Mother Goddess, profoundly associated to both Sirius and the Milky Way, particularly its Galactic Centre heart.
We found DNA resonates spiral galaxies now sync responds by showing us a symbol of the Milky Way, in the hands of Diana, covered in Blood. Oh boy!
Above is the new V which deals with alien first contact and the game Dragon Age. Both have a logo' featuring what looks like red blood, both have a reptilian themes (the V E.T.'s are reptilians disguised as humans) and both were released on November 3rd.
The blood as connected to DNA and the Stairway to Heaven is a solid lead into interpreting the Red Dragon. Here is another recent Scarlet Dragon sync wink which sheds light on the subject.
The cinema is a mirror of the development of consciousness, that it is moving into a new dimension or 3D means WE/ME are also undergoing a shift. The new dimension that we are entering - this is literally true - is the dimension of Self aware KKonsciousness.
1When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place.
2Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting.
3They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them.
4All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues[a] as the Spirit enabled them.
The word Smoke has the value of 420 in Kabala, which makes perfect sense as 4:20 is popularly associated to marijuana smoking. We then have the symbol of Spirit burning above the head of the horned & enlightened one, resonating 42/Jupiter. Yet again Jupiter, here associated to the coiled - thus resonating the DNA/Blood and Milky Way - Scarlet Dragon...
The horns, like the holy flame, feel like a variation of subtle body extensions.
Hart is in the Lady Dragon shoe store questing for his true love (Diane Kruger) while obsessive Rose Byrne thwarts his every attempt.
This motivated a desire to re-watch the Hannibal Lector film Red Dragon.
In 2005's The Zodiac with Robin Tunney we learn the infamous killer might be coinciding his murders with significant celestial phenomena.
Robin Tunney as Magick resonator, see StarMummy 1
This connects Robin Tunney and the Moon, so how about Jupiter and Robin Tunney?
The Dragon on the poster's name is Toothles, the tooth is suddenly and dramatically strange attracted to out sync web.
William Morgan has veered into Tooth syncs...
And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.
The Tiger is 2010's Chinese Zodiac animal, a system of 12 partitions/animals often sighted as regulated by the 12 year orbit of Jupiter.
Drew Barrymore is DB or 42 the number of Jupiter and Life The Universe and Everything. In Never Been Kissed she is crowned by the planet where contact happens in 2010: The Year We Make Contact.
StarMummy 2: FloWman from Jake Kotze on Vimeo.
In StarMummy 2 we see Seth Green go up Spirit River in Without a Paddle to find DB's/42's Treasure with Matthew Lillard.
(Nike is an anagram for Enki a god with Thoth and Caduceus associations slotting in easily with the sync web we are exploring...)
The treasure chest of dan/dna and Mathew is PANdora's box...
Rose 'Moon' Byrne is dating Matthew only to be closer to Hartnett. They are seen below inside Matthew's home above the Lady Dragon. Matthew tells Rose, secretly obsessed with Matthew's chum Hartnett, the shocking news that Josh is about to be reunited with his true love: "He's gonna be so happy, he's gonna hit the moon again".
Behind Rose, she who's children go to the New World in Knowing, is a tiny Winnie-The-Phoo. If you hang out with Sanders long enough he will share the following sync tale with you.., it's one of his favorites and helped vivify the role of sync in his life:
Winnie-The-Pooh got his name from a real bear which traveled from Manitoba ending up in the London Zoo where he was enjoyed by the local children.
Christopher Milne had named his toy bear after Winnie, an American black bear which he often saw at London Zoo, and "Pooh", a swan they had met while on holiday. The bear cub was purchased from a hunter for $20 by Canadian Lieutenant Harry Colebourn in White River, Ontario, Canada, while en route to England during the First World War. He named the bear "Winnie" after his hometown in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Writer A. A. Milne kept his sons bear in mind when naming and creating Winnie-The-Pooh. We can see how Winnipeg has flowed into Winnie-The-Pooh.
Jim recounts that his grandfather was wounded in World War 1 in Germany and spent time in a military Hospital in England. Sanders lay beside E. H Shepard and they become friends. Knowing the bear he was drawing was connected to Winnipeg, Shepard put Sanders' name, his acquaintance from Winnipeg, atop the door of Pooh's home.
In 2010 WE/ME learn to ride the Dragon, the fearlessly awakened serpent of realized Being.
Mr Arrowsmith pointed out the Avatar/Titans flying beast connect at The Sync Whole.
The Dragon flies solo as Clash gears up to be released on 2 April or 4/2 instead...
i love it jake, keep em' rollin.
Lillard also is one of the Scream killers in the first movie and kills DB in the opening scene.
That Et/Jupiter card is also total awesomeness.
2 Fingers Up!
WOW, what a blast! Gr8 post, much energy put in here. Sparkling. Thank you.
Lillard also is one of the Scream killers in the first movie and kills DB in the opening scene.
That's great...
Thanks all
The Chinese character means "Center". As a Mah Jong tile, it is known as the "Red Dragon" among western players.
This should make your head spin- Blue birds, kiki and twin stars- plus tons of fun imagery.
I doubt you speak japanese but you'll get it all anyway.
two images
dolphins in (JC's) Titanic jumping in front of the bow at the 42 ft mark
Truman (JC.. Jim Moon Carrey) stepping into the void/megalith/monolith (moonlith) to dissapear from The 'Truman' Show (i.e. the JC.. Nicolas Cage etc moon illusion show)
Dolphins r moon priests or ET guardians for the rainBOW bridge watever that means... they bend, control, transcend dimensions, arrange and whisper (James Cameron binds it together w The Abyss where Atlantis re-surface..)
to try a conscious stream their dark yang face is in Aliens, notice the similar foreheads thats them drugged by sigourney earth weaver science she's ashot in the stomach dying
note Weaver is tying all together a random hit showed this: narrating Planet Earth a whale of a show
Peterpan - walau habis terang
(The lead singer of the band ARIEL, just divorce his wife Sarah and return to his former TV-star girlfriend LUNA Maya.)
WoW!! Love this one. Still reading, but you left out the planet with the "blue eye", namely Neptune, or maybe you didn't, LOL, still reading. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neptune
Very cool work Jake!
I see resonators of the Sun, being mankind, Adam, and the Moon, being Israel, his Eve, his helpmate. Just my humble opinion.
Really cool stuff!!
Neptune's eye was added by you.
Good job.
Your upside down triangle or blue cup is the heart of Iron Man 2.
LOL, very cool, you're right! I checked the Iron Man trailer and sonofagun there it is!!! Neato. Iron alloy suit and Iron Mountain http://www.ironmountain.com/. Very, very interesting. Cool stuff, as always Jake.
Jake, I made this to help you on your way.
after reading this again. its one of the best summarizations to date. its spledid work taken in its connotations. but if you want the opinion of the egoless, theres a lot of avoidances of the role of the ego in that text possibly parallel with the life of "JAKE" which is, lets face it an illusory identity. The moon gate/monolith mergence is the oneness in the individual consciousness manifestation into the ruler of the planets where that local consciousness will find the gateway, the stargate to eternity, that opens for all cosmic forces
first however bowman has to give up his illusions, about personal identities, about death, about being separate from the nature of the universe
One must simply BE, and surrender
a consciousness transforming experience.
I can't even access my mind to complement you.
jeeze that's good work.
The boy with the cure in his DNA from the movie 28 weeks later is named ANDY, the name itself containing the letters DNA. The name also contains the letter Y, together, they make up the same letters being carried to the moon by jim carrey on the poster for his film Man On The Moon, where he plays a character also named ANDY. The last letter on his latter happens to be I, which is the cue point for the cure in 28 Days Later as it is identified in ANDY's Eye/i.
isAsi aka KingIsTheKingdom
since you mentioned IRON MAN 2 (and your new twitter avatar pic is IRON MAN) ...
Cal Ripkin jr., the "IRON MAN" of the Baltimore Orioles (more DIAMOND!) will be in Winnipeg on 6/23 !
He's the guest speaker at the 38th annual "Y" Sports Dinner on June 23 at the Winnipeg Convention Centre sponsored by the Rady Jewish Center.
Last year's dinner featured Indianapolis Colts quarterback Peyton Manning and drew a record crowd of 1,600.
and for those that don't know...
Cal Ripkin jr smacked 431 career Home Runs.
Why is this interesting??
Manitoba's next and additional area code to the current "204" will be "431".
Rose Byrne - Robin Tunney - Seth Green
linked to Greek magick goddess, Circe - and more.
Circe Lived on Aeaea, in Italy
Tunney "Cherish" lollipop O circled for earthquake location on Ad - circe/circle
Circe's advice to navigate River - Spirit River
Used drugs to turn humans into wolves - wolf/flow
Brother Phaethon fell into Eridanus "end of the river" - Seth finds a DB box
Phaethon unable to control horse - HorseSeth breaks through wall a in Robotic Chicken with witch Tunney
Eridanus - 10 largest star reaches highest point in December - Our Sun at its lowest - Father of Circe+Phaethon is Helios, called Sol in Rome
Italian Earthquake in Casacalenda, house/calendar, ancient coat of arms still shows "K", co-ords 42+24 - ties to magical sanctuary+Canada+G8 summit moved there after quake.
I've posted details on my blog, thanks, paul.
This is some truly sacred work. I have been synching with this post for a week now. When I first read it I had, in hand, a gold pyrite crystal. This was a beautiful synch as I read about the cross being an unfolded cube and the birthing of a second sun because the crystal's shape is literally a cube emerging from within a larger cube. Also great because Pyrite is often associated with sun energies and the solar plexus.
Well done, certainly the best post yet.
What a synchromystic master piece. Keep synching brave soul.
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