Stargates love to come in cuboids, just reflect briefly on Noah's Ark, the Millenium Hilton Hotel, the Great Pyramid King's Chamber, Osiris Box, Ark of the Covenant, 2001 Monolith, Kaaba, Masonic Ashlar (cubic stone seen on tracing boards) etc etc. The Phone Booth Stargate Cuboid was seen in "Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure".
See Gosporn the fountainhead of the HH sync's and his new post with more thoughts on the matter In The Shadow of Giants.
Inside the cuboid we see cult martial arts actor Al Leong as Mongol Ghengis Khan, a previous owner of the Himalayan K2 (as near as I can tell, any Mongolian history buffs out there?). I spotted Khan inside 'The Pyramid' last week, see previous post.
Defunct potential master Jedi, the fallen Anakin Skywalker (Lucifer Resonating) a.k.a Dark Lord of Sith or Darth Vader, Actor Hayden Christensen, opens Stargates in "Jumper". When not sunning himself atop the Rahu head of the Giza Sphinx he is jumping through Stargates to sneak his girlfriend into the Colosseum. The Sphinx as giant 'disembodied' head, like Mount Rushmore in the previous Hudson Hawk post echoes Rahu. Rahu is one of the 9 Navagraha in Hindu Mythology and equals the Northern Lunar Node, which it 'just so happens' (yea right, what blog you reading?) shares the sky with the position of Galactic Center.
Bill Pullman as Lone Starr and John Candy playing Barf, lampoon space smugglers Han Solo and Chewbacca, in Mel Brooks' "Star Wars" spoof "Spaceballs". In the scene above they encounter Pizza the Hut a play on the giant space slug Jabba the Hutt.
John Candy resonates the Stargate Candy pattern, he winked at us, his name imposed over Manhattan and the WTC, in the previous post.
See Opening The Stargate Via Nicholas Cage for Monster Mouth = GC
See K2 and the 2012 Maya Mega Ritual for Izapa Toad action
I currently view the 911 Mega Ritual as the start of a rapid evolutionary phase in planetary realization of consciousness. The period is suggested as beginning with 911, representing Gemini, through the Twin Towers and ending with Galactic Alignment during the 2012 Maya Mega Ritual, located in the sky by the arrow of Sagittarius and the Tail of Scorpio (the Twin Guardians of GC). This correlates with the 'Galactic Alignment and Equinox Cross' traced in the heavens by the 21 December 2012 11:11 solstice sun alignment (see zodiac image above). 911/Gemini is then viewed as the bottom of the Galactic Center-Galactic Anticentre axis of the cross, while 2012/Sagittarius or Scorpio is the top of the same axis. A seamless union can be acknowledged between world events and the state of the collective consciousness.
The dark Monolith our ark raider is encased in reveals a secret about the Stargate cuboid. His human form reaches out as if stepping through the mercurial but frozen waterdoor. The veiled meaning being that the human from is one doorway of consciousness moving into matter. A flower in a similar manner is the physical expression of plant consciousness going through the same process. The flower is the equal to the crown chakra of humanity opening to connect the small being to the larger Being of cosmos.
They marvel at the fact - while not subtly hinting at conspiracy - that the golden cross placed on the apex of the freshly erected obelisk in 1588 completes all the necessary physical symbolism for the hieroglyphic name 'Heliopolis'. The hieroglyph for Heliopolis according to "Talisman" is an obelisk surmounted by a cross 'accompanied by a circle or ellipse divided into eight parts - the standard hieroglyphic indicator of a city' (p305).
Historians generally agree this obelisk made its way to Rome, removed from Heliopolis in AD 12-41 by order of Caligula, the golden cross atop the pillar and cross quartered courtyard coming into Being in the 16th century. The issue the authors have with a three dimensional hieroglyphic representation of Heliopolis, present in Rome, on and around a Heliopolis obelisk, is that no person alive at the time should have been able to read hieroglyphs, as the art of deciphering these was only achieved in the 18oo's. No doubt this could point towards secret knowledge safeguarded by mystical facets of the Vatican or its architects but there is another possible interpretation.
Synchromysticism implies that the very fabric of the universe is intelligent. Every facet of Being seems to self organize into natural resonance with the context of its surroundings. You could say the Heliopolis obelisk is intelligent and the non-local mind of no-thing entrains the ancient holy stone's surroundings through synchronization with the resonance of said object. It helps if the artists involved with the project of creating the architecture are occult and esoteric minded as it would allow a sensitive and suggestible pallet for this resonance and entrainment to find expression. Non-separate and non-individual (as are all things, yet they remain beautifully unique and divine!) time-space objects like this obelisk grow out of Being, only to the limited human mind does it seem like things are built with mental plan making.
Pizza - the favorite food of Ninja Turtles - synchromystically, is in resonance with the giant GC Rahu head of Giza, through the Pizza Hut/KFC alignment. This is all very sucsynct if we consider that the 2 greater pyramids at Giza (a.k.a the Twin Pillars, Mountains, Towers or Breasts of Egypt) causeways align with the half solstice or cross quarter.
In a little while we address popular Pizza topping, the olive...
Pizza was seen before in connection with Robin Tunney in Z is for Zebra
Pizza was seen with Adam Sandler (and KFC!) in Opening the Stargate via Adam Sandler
Tony Genaro - last seen bus driving Robin Tunney to a pivotal seance in "The Craft" and avoiding being eaten by GC representing 'dirt dragons' in "Tremors" - plays Pena's dad in "World Trade Center" who eats Pizza while aligned to a television set showing the 911 Mega Ritual (below).
For Genaro and Mario KK see Opening the Stargate Via Nicholas Cage.
We3 theme explored in The Word War 3 Stargate Mega Ritual and Jesus and Robin Tunney
Eve is one of the naked Twins/Gemini in the garden of Eden, interacting with the World Axis or Tree.
A.I. is a symbol of consciousness waking up inside matter. This is currently happening to humanity but could also be happening to our technological children as well (see RoboTut for more details). Han Solo stretching the fabric of the mercurial black monolith cuboid is the symbolic equivalent of a humanoid cuboid yearning for the heavens in Wall-E. Man finding his own divinity or opening the Stargate that leads to heaven through Cosmic Illumination.
Goro Adachi has shown us how we entrain with our Star's cycles, its current low sunspot activity correlating with world events, sol symbolically being in a tomb. Its impending re-awakening and heightening in strength, as symbolic phoenix, entraining with the 2012 time period.
Apparently the sun goes through an 11 year cycle. The last peak in activity being 2001, currently being in a low activity phase as we are midway through the sun spot cycle, immanently starting to heighten again as we head to 2012.
This sunspot cycle thus synchronizes perfectly with the 911-2012 or the Galactic Center-Galactic Anticentre alignment axis. The axis with its base in Gemini and top in Sagittarius/Scorpio.
The sun/star cycles, as is the 911-2012 axis are all metaphors or external pointers for the internal process of consciousness becoming aware of itself in matter. In a way that is only partly true as the internal and external reality are one and the same thing but our minds still use the dichotomy as a helpful pointer to a truth beyond conceptual understanding.
Goro is also the expert on octagon and all things cross-quarter, his thoughts on the matter being pivotal inspiration for these words.
Wall-E does us even one better and teaches us one method of how we might go about achieving union with Being...
The central McGuffin axis around which all the characters spin is a simple little plant. It is the far future and the polluted earth has not supported vegetation for 700 years. The discovery of the plant heralds the possible return of humanity who left for the stars in a mass exodus.
Wall-E (Waste Allocation Load Lifter-Earth-Class) a lone earthbound robot who continues to compact trash discovers the plant inside a fridge type Stargate cuboid.
The boot resonates a foot, a Galactic Center/Alignment pointer as Ophiuchus' foot shares the sky with the other markers of GC, Sagittarius' arrow and Scorpios stinger. The coiled plant takes on the role of foot, meaning the plant - or more accurately plant consciousness - is our pointer towards the spiritual center of Being and the physical center of the Milky Way.
The foot as GC pointer (giant "Hudson Hawk" foot, "Ninja Turtle's" Technodrome Foot Clan logo) was seen in the post Opening the Stargate via Nicholas Cage.
I had my first Ayahuasca - plant medicine - ceremony on a Friday June 27. After this healing or teaching I spent 4 days camping and hiking. The plant entheogenic roller coaster, through the boundary dissolved internal/external pshycosphere, followed by a 4 day nature immersion left me vulnerable to plant consciousness themes. The very evening of my return from the organic Canadian Shield to the excreted object realm of the city I step into the Virtual Disney Computer world of "Wall-E".
Nature vs Man Made Artifact Mini Rant!
All is arises from Being in the present. Natural and unnatural are mind made devisions. A plant, a car, a baby, a movie and Giacomo Bologna are 'excreted' from Being beyond form. Form and thought are the temporary crystallized tip of the iceberg in the bottom less ocean of no-thing.
All perceivable and unperceivable facets of existence are connected to all else and are expressions of the divine. A car usually does however reflect - allow being to move through the object - the totality with far less clarity then say a crystal, a baby, a bird or a flower. These types of objects are in greater harmony with the source and naturally echo the un-manifested. In this manner a traffic jam or news broadcast will tend to bring less joy then a garden or child's laugh, unless full acceptance and presence is brought into the stuck vehicle or violent news program.
Synchromysticism attempts to take the generally hopelessly egoistic, rational and materialist popular media, which would in most context generate more unconsciousness, and convert it into consciousness. The 'Apotheosis of Pop'. A car, pop-song or movie can also allow consciousness to arise if approached with unattached joy (the only true joy, as opposed to temporary states such as happiness) and an eye for mystery.
"There's beauty in the cracks of the cement"
The Coup - "Me And Jesus The Pimp In A '79 Granada Last Night"
Read or download Echart Tolle books, audio or lectures for the clearest description of joy I have come across, the inspiration for above thoughts.
To return to Earth the automated ship needs the plant placed inside the blue pillar and platform. It will then scan and recognize the vegetation knowing only then to open the Stargate (below). Wall-E, the anthropomorphic Stargate cuboid of consciousness growing inside humanity fights to realize this eventuality.
As we see the blue platform topped pillar rise and rotate we realize the N can become a tilted Z and the blue Circle the O of OZ. This is the OZ/77/Pan Stargate motif synchromystically embedded in the pillar that opens the Stargate. The Plant Consciousness is added to the Pillar and the wormhole is opened (image below).
This is the kundalini serpent waking up at the base of the spine (pillar/staff/tree), traveling up to the third eye, which then opens the crown Stargate.
See The 911 Stargate video for Crowley OZ/77/Pan and "The Wiz" WTC Sphere sculpture connection.
Rant in Z Minor is also chock full of OZ, including the great Crowley 'Grid Page'/Robin Tunney "Zodiac" sync.
See Happy Birthday Robin Tunney! (a Gemini!) for more Mellenuim Hilton.
See Thoth-Duck and the Pillarmid Gate (Comic Book Cycle Part 2) for more "Working Girl" and Harrison Ford.
The cross-quartered edible mandala, pizza, again winks loudly. Remember its alignment with the Sphinx and Tony Genaro watching the 911 Mega Ritual in "World Trade (Galactic) Center".
The film maker of "World Trade (Galactic) Center" Oliver Stone shares and amplifies this 'olive Stargate ' resonance.
Above Samantha can be seen making a volcanic mountain erupt in "Lost". "Lost's" mystical themes, popularity and series run (2004-2010) entrain it with this key period of rapid consciousness realization making it a vital platform and canvass for sync research. Mathis' name on the "Lost" Island is Olivia and she wears the octagonal Dharma logo on her chest.
Opening The Stargate Via Adam Sandler
JFK Stargate Mega Ritual
The Olive is related to plant consciousness and its role in opening our Stargate. The acorn and nut syncs we have talked about in the past, and will see again in the near future, tell a similar tale. Still working on the meaning of candy syncs, mind you..
See Nuts
See K2/Giza Kandy Cane
Rasputin uses a giant glove to open his Stargate, this echoes the appendage theme introduced by Opiuchus' foot and Wall-E's boot. Note the hands clenching the Twin K's on the "Super Mario Bros" King Kupa WTC.
See Island Of Atum and Opening the Stargate Via Nicholas Cage for more Gargoyle syncs.
Entering our world from the Lovecraftian deep reaches of ancient slumbering tentacle monster space is Hellboy. He is mistaken for an ape betraying this Stargate traveler's Thoth resonance. To entice this horned Pan/OZ/77 being out from hiding you need Stargate candy (image above).
Theseus in mythology ties a ball of string to an olive tree to help him traverse the labyrinth and slay the Minotaur. The bull is also Taurus which along with Gemini forms part of Galactic Anticentre, the base of the Milky Way-Equinox cross, thus intimately related to Galactic Center.
Having seen monster heads and mouths identified as the heart of the Milky Way we could be so bold as to say monsters in general resonate Galactic Center.
Nothing more satisfying then threatening the illusion of seemingly solid materiality from the comfort of the theater. The disaster scenarios connected to the future and eschaton (metaphors for mass collective realization of consciousness) are the same misunderstanding of the nature of matter. The destruction of matter is always the symbolic collapse of our illusions about substance, the end of Maya. Its not that substance doesn't exist, rather that its nature is mercurial and inseparable from the infinite depth of who you truly are.
As you and me are infinity itself the destruction of Earth hardly even remotely threatens who we are. As a dreamer I think it would be far more funky if we realized harmony on this planet.
Rasputin's second Stargate opens through a cuboid type marble pillar (above) and the eclipsed moon (aboveerer).
Within this context the eclipsed moon as Stargate makes perfect and profound sense. The moon itself is a powerful Stargate resonator a theme to be further expanded upon in future synchromystic work.
The decapitated 'monstrous' head of Alec Baldwin (above) resonates and bridges the themes of disembodied giant heads with the occult Johannite tradition. The idea is that John the Baptist - who was decapitated - was the True Christ, not Jesus. The Knights Templar apparently venerated a disembodied skull or head.
See Christopher Knowles influential The Secret Sun and posts like Ritual Drama: John the Baptist in Space for some synchromystic explorations on themes along these lines.
Freemasons also have a tradition of iconography involving the skull of Hiram/Solomon/Queen of Sheba on tracing boards (See Ralph Ellis' "Solomon" for details). This is a very tantalizing area for investigation considering films like "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull". The skull in question being a freaking Grey Alien or Cosmic Consciousness resonator, no less!
The disembodied and monster head in my mind are both vivid pointers of the Stargate and Galactic Center.
Noticed a fresh Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince interview at Red Ice Creations entitled The Masks of Christ and John the Baptist. These cats wrote the book on the Baptists (The Templar Revelation), it should be very insightful about this very subject.
O.K, one last film that amazingly ties practically all these themes together, then were done..
See videos Island of Atum and post Gemini for much Will 2K 'Star'gate action
Hey, I'm not your mom but just because I often write about 'bad' pop culture and candy doesn't mean I think its cool to sit around stuffing your face with crap and watching junk. Just saying...
Some snippets from the Bio of these two lovely actresses.
Grew up in Chicago with Robin Tunney. Lara Flynn Boyle Bio IMDB
Grew up with Lara Flynn Boyle and attended high school together at the prestigious Chicago Academy for the Arts. Robin Tunney Bio IMDB
See post K2 Candy 3 for Spy Vs Spy and Daniel Johnston syncs related to Mountain Dew.
Robin interacts with Zebra in "Cherish" and the "House M.D" pilot episode
Try the Tynney Trilogy videos or my new Red Ice Interview for more on the Tunney Zebra connection.
Try Island Of Atum for more on Manhattan as Atum.
Further brief on line investigation reveals that Solomon's Temple inner sanctum or holiest of holies, by many accounts, is intimately related to the olive plant. The doors of the 'holiest of holies' were constructed of olive wood, while the ark itself was placed underneath two giant Cheribum made of olive wood covered in gold!
See Solomon's Temple Description at Wikipedia.
According to Wikipedia's entry on Solomon above the king's throne was placed a candelabrum and a golden jar of olive-oil.
I'm sure theres a whole mess of fascinating esoteric connections to be explored here but let's just simplify and say that Solomons Temple and Olives are strong resonators of the Stargate of Cosmic Illumination.
What I find really amazing is that this information wormed its way into my consciousness through following olive related synchronicities in the 911 Sync Web. Through persisting with Olivia from "Lost" and the "Super Mario Bros" double-K, while noting the Olivia Newton-John "Xanadu" octagon, we have come to learn of the olives intimate connection to Solomons Temple. Seeing as K2, Giza, Solomons Temple and the Twin Towers are all intimately related the olive bleeds into all these areas.
The olive represents plant consciousness, a key part in the ascension of the human species.
Alien means Cosmic Consciousness, as solidified by the feathered Milky Way indigenous American head, while the 'Martian antenna' echo sculptures like Michelangelo's "Moses" with horns.
The original texts use a word that can both mean "grew horns" or "ray of light" resulting in a dispute amongst theologians and scholars about the true nature of Moses' 'antenna'. What ever the case synchromystically Moses has Alien horns in Men In Black 2 resonating Pan/Lucifer/Hellboy. Moses is probably - amongst other things - Akhenaton, Hyksos (Shepperd) Pharaoh. Akhenaton often depicted himself with elongated limbs and almond shaped eyes making him look like a Grey type alien. I would suggest this is more likely because he encountered preternatural beings like Crowley's Lam during ecstatic magick, or had secret knowledge of such matters, then actual physical anomalies being portrayed (See Ralph Ellis "Eden In Egypt" for more).
See Wikipedia for more on Moses' horns.
Ralph Ellis talks about Hyksos Shepperd Kings or Aries worshiping Pharaohs in a new filmed subscriber Red Ice Creations interview. He also spends some time speaking about Jesus at the Mount of Olives! (Thanks Steve Willner for the Mount of Olives sync)
Considering Moses/Akhenaton (or some such Hyksos element) was instrumental in bringing the Giza rites and symbolism out of Egypt, with the portable Tabernacle, which would evolve into Solomon's Temple, this olive sync makes profound sense.
The building is the World Pillar with the activated kundalini serpent or the awakening consciousness of the entire planet. The 911 event saw the Twin Pillars fall, symbolically unveiling Isis or our Milky Way's heart, the truer* Holiest of Holies inside Solomon's Temple.
The Twin Agents in Men In Black reflect the Twin Towers of 911 and Galactic Anticenter in Gemini. The 'dragon' and its gaping mouth symbolizes Galactic Center in Sagittarius.
2012 is the year of the Water Dragon (entraining with Aquarius/the Waterdoor) in the Chines Zodiac... (Review "Kung Fu Panda's" dragon inside octagon, reflected in water, given this information)
*The real Holiest of Holies (HH/Thoth/YHWH) is your infinite nature beyond thought and form, that which you already are in the present moment. The realization of the perfection of the NOW through complete surrender to what is.
With all the Stargate elements in place "The Light" shoots from the deck of the Manhattan Island Building, towards a star above Liberty/Isis. The effect of which creates firework mandala patterns in the sky.
Consciousness has become Cosmic, the Immanentization of the Eschaton has achieved liftoff.
The finale of its 2002 sequel, Men in Black II, was set to take place atop one of the WTC buildings. Due to the fate of the towers, however, this was modified prior to release. The original ending can be seen on the DVD release as the "alternate ending".
I purchased the Special Edition DVD with the alternate ending and can not verify this claim. At least it resulted in me giving the film a decent look over which I probably wouldn't have done without this incentive.
Anybody out there with some more information about the alleged "Men In Black 2" WTC appearance please drop me a comment or email.
Grant Morrison's super sigil Illuminatus style classic "The Invisibles" sees a main character, indeed one of the Invisibles, called Ragged Robin. This character comes with some heavyweight occult and 'eschatollogical' resonance. Most importantly, of course, she resonates the Stargate Queen, Robin Tunney. We will undoubtedly, flux willing, see more of her in future work.
Below, relevant to this post, she interacts with the decapitated head of John The Baptist. This in no less a syncnificant building then Rennes Le Chateau.
The head, in my interpretation of the sync web, is pointing towards the true Templar treasure, Robin Tunney. Put less cryptically, what Tunney points towards...
Next up we investigate the Winnipeg Legislature Building before hopefully finishing the "Hudson Hawk" series.
Have been lurking for a little while and have noticed your tendency to apologize for your "rants"--those precious moments when you transcend logos and attempt to find the words to communicate what is really at the heart of things. Please don't apologize--speak your truth with conviction and passion.
This is beautiful.
"Synchromysticism attempts to take the generally hopelessly egoistic, rational and materialist popular media, which would in most context generate more unconsciousness, and convert it into consciousness." The 'Apotheosis of Pop'. A car, pop-song or movie can also allow consciousness to arise if approached with unattached joy (the only true joy, as opposed to temporary states such as happiness) and an eye for mystery."
Yes. This is alchemy in its truest sense, it is not?
Thank you for this. Your insight is more profound that you could ever imagine.
Wonderful post.
That is very good advice.
Thank you.
amazing again..space balls is one of my favs although i havent seen it in awhile. the pizza syncs are just great.. and i forget which men in black it is but one has the cat(k2/wtc) named orion(wtc/giza) holding the key(universe) around her neck.
MIB 1, good point. There's a big frog mouth chasing The Ant Bully(movie with Nicholas Cage). He tries to get away by scrambling up a weird soda can of a soft drink called Summit..... Candy is a very material pleasure. Is this the peak of humanities swing to materialism.
Jake,you continue to be an inspiration to all.
I just wanted to add something to the Will Smith poster synchs. As you pointed out to the sun resonating behind him in his movie posters and album covers, he was in Bad Boys (directed by 33rd degree freemason Michael Bay) with the sun motif and behind him was none other than a Porsche 911.
I just got back from the Dark Knight and can't wait to see what you come up with. I saw 88 synchs twice, one time as an address 188
and the second time on a truck 81-118 or something like that. The 88 HH is something that correlates with the May 12 8.0 China quake. 88 days after the quake are the 8/8/8 olympics. To wrap it up i also spotted a hospital explosion surrounded by a blue and red checkered motif.
Popeye's girlfriend Olive Oyl, anyone? Spinache and anchors, ye baby!
Man, I feel like I just had an Ayuhuasca ceremony myself. Zoinks! I can't find the floor. Like I always say, the Internet has made hallucinogenics redundant. And damn, Mr. Kotze, does Hollywood intentionally hide all these little cupcakes in their worst movies? It seems to be a modus operandi. And thanks much for the shouts. Do me a favor and give me some time to digest of this before you hit us again!
So come 2012 we will let lose our mortal coils and our body's shall become plant food..... IE The Fountain. Oh, and the little bastards in the train station have a very material pleasure in the adult section in the back. Wow.
Wait, the whole plant food thing is exactly what Osiris is. Plants growing from the dead. Jesus, this was a hard post to digest.
Hey Jake, you might want to consider that your phone booth 'ark' syncs with Bill and Ted's excellent adventure also resonates with the T.A.R.D.I.S. (time and relative dimensions in space) from Doctor Who. He travels around the univers in his tardis/ark/pillar box/phone booth, and he has two hearts. The whole plot of that British series revolved around stargate crossing.
Thank you for this beautiful post! You reminded me of a trip to Busch Gardens, Tampa Bay and a ride on the Montu...you can see a red-roofed Pizza Hut once you get to the top of the lift! Then I thought back to my own 9/11 experience; I was working for Domino's Pizza at the time, had a cat named Isis, and didn't wake until 2pm. When I turned on the tv, I thought it was movie scenes. And my partner Ben was just wondering out loud the other day about an Arnold connection to the Schwartz in spaceballs...so funny to see it in the Blob! I am starting a blog now to help explore this language, and you have been a wonderful inspiration/catalyst for this happening. Thanks again!
Viz-a-Viz Hellboy - just seen Hellboy II, which , on the poster at Wiki uses the Gemini glyph to denote 2.
Also a few H's popped up, have posted them.
Flame On
Thank u for your sunniness ;) sense of fun, playfulness and genuine cheery glow.
I get too dark sometimes and your *atmosphere is a good leaven for me.
Yet..since I dwell on the "dark" I will never "cultify" and become zombied - (cf "The Sin Eaters" ) from having my sins and darkness [only superficially] eaten. (Been inoculated from that by too many years in a New Age Ashram setting.)
Been there, done that!
One does not achieve perfection by being DEAD!
Just saying "it," does not make it so. "De Nile is not just a river in Egypt."
"Liber Boomerang" gerardholmgren blogspot
All the best to you,
I've been seein' phone booths every where. Buckaroo Banzai, Get Smart, Harry Potter (in the book the code to activate is 6-4-2-4-2, or 666). And I saw a TV show about art in the US Capital building... They had this painting of a phone booth lonely on top of Capital Hill, it was framed in Greek columns and had the shadow of a man inside. The artist said it was because all Senators do is go to work and hop on the phone... That's when it hit me if I called Jake in Winnipeg (different time zone) I would actually be transversing over space and time. Phone booths are literal star gates.
i am ashamed that i could not rid of my curiousity for why phone booths are stargates without reading that last post
Really good post. Loved it!! One thought, Superman also climbed into a phone booth to "transform" from his mild-mannered persona to his crime-fighting alter-ego. I haven't seem him do that in a comic, that I can remember off the top of my head. Have to check where that legend came from, LOL.
Really good reading, gonna digest this for awhile... Thanks Mr. Kotze
indiana jones hides himslef form a nuclear expliton inside a refrigerator.
I think I just read my entire blog in this single post. Why do I even bother? :-) Great pizza synchs! The pizza delivery boy is a perennial favorite. Some recent musings on Helios at Gosporn, thanks for the shout out. - Michael
Clark Kent is a dirty Double K.
Thanks for all these amazing responses.
The connections and warm words are appreciated.
Just saw The Dark Knight...
What a wonderful silver canvas for us to see our dancing reflection.
Ever notice when make a line going from the left and right side of peoples lips, up to the top part of the nose where it meets the forehead, that it forms a pyramid and above it would be the 3rd eye?
Then you have the two eyes/twins which resonates Gemini.
The Galactic Center in our head?
In conan the destroyer, the cult Conan was fighting had to put a Gem in the forehead of a statue to resurrect it.
They had to put the Gem in the 3rd eye.
Gem in I
Gem in eye
I noticed that when I keep seeing synchs with A's with circles over them/pyramids with light.
Your blogs really great by the way.
A must bookmark. lol
Good god, I don't know if I'm, ever going to digest all this...
One thing I noticed is that in the pizza boxes from MIB II, shown right next to Will Smith's head, the pizza slice can also be seen as an airplane aimed at the statute of liberty, which (as you point out) stands in for the WTC at the end-of-the-movie fireworks ceremony. The fact that there are two pizza boxes next to each other implies both two planes and two towers...
And right above the statue of liberty on the pizza box, in an almost Rube Goldberg machine manner, is a single star (ie: the star gate).
Speaking Will Smith's head, isn't that checkered pattern below his chin something that they used to show in pharaoh hieroglyphs as well?
Also, although I am not a big fan of a shameless plug, in your ayahuasca mini-rant section (which I agree is great, and should not be apologized for), you mentioned an iceberg of form/thought fading away into into the ocean of no-thing. I wrote something similar exploring mind-as-iceberg (although I didn't really emphasize it the same way you have) in a piece on my site. The difference between form/thought and no-thing, and the necessity for both, is something I have been thinking about a lot recently. Your comment ressonated enough with me that I wanted to mention it. If you're interested and not too busy, you can check it out here
Anyway, I always look forward to more here on The Blob. Keep up the great work!
11:11 is a triptych+1 of mirror...although I am also a fan of looking for my reflection in the backside of the mirror....more nerve endings back there....
Mr. Kotze,
it's interesting that when an airplane transliterates it's action from flight to terrestrial collision, more often than not it is the black box recorder that survives...almost as a next of kin....airplanes normally being of white or alabaster hue...the black box obviously an aerially-alluvial euphemism for galactic center or the fundament of all of the checkerboard,chessboard,yin-yangs,etc...bled-out, and rung-out into grayness or the ultimiate nihili
for some hardcore 11:11 intuited/rationcinated music, check out myspace.com/stevecovington
all the best
and good tidings and benedictions for the all-clotted-presentmomentpointillism-distended-yet-also-succinct-as-dotform
I can't believe I just realized that 9/11 is also a mirror in roman numerals- IX/XI. It's as if the gemini towers have been split by a double cross. Might this this double cross represent the alignment to galactic center?
also 2012
0/1= lingam yoni? binary code?
2=II (gemini, twin tower)
Scorpion gateway guardians in the epic of gilgamesh, anyone?
on 2012:
Truly, as seen on the chariot tarot card you see the interlocked lingam yoni. This corresponds to the "star of david" as each triangle represents interlocking feminine/masculine forces. As interlocking tetrahdron this is called "merkaba" which means "chariot". So you coild, in fact, view 2012 as the 01 lingam yoni/merkaba/chariot passing through the double twin tower stargate. Effectively you can view 11:11 as mirroring 2012 itself. Just a thought...
Oh, and more about gilgamesh:
the resolution of this epic involves a SERPENT EATING the FRUIT (plant) of immortality.
This is a card from the popular anime show "Cardcaptors".
It has a pentagram in between a sun & a moon. The original cards in the show are
called "clow cards" which are red with a sun in the center and a crescent moon at the side.
In the beginning of the show Sakura had to trap all the archetypal tarot-like clow cards and then after the "final judgement" episode wherein she had to prove herself worthy she had to transmute them into "sakura cards" like the one's above. It seemed to me to resonate a sort of shift of the ages since we are still in the red solar religion phase but the 9/11/2012 thing could be seen as shifting into a new aeon and fascinatingly the "sakura cards" have on the back of it the symbols of the 3 pillars in a sense on the masonic tracing board with the pentagram or star of Isis in the center...thought this was quite relevent.
also note the guardian of the clow book is a winged cat/leo/K2/K@/Sphinx ect. creature called Kiro.
Hello: I don't know if you have seen the most recent Batman film or not, however there is another synch to Morgan Freeman being the God head. As Lucius Fox , Morgan Freeman, gains control of the omnniscient all seeing, cellular
phone matrix. and then after controling the matrix he willingly gives up the power by destroying the "machine"... I would never have noticed this if I had not been reading up on your Synchromysticism research, which I have been following for some time and now can not experience films without noticing these symbolic relationships. Thanks for sharing all your work.
The Will Smith Pizza Boxes shot is packed with information. Much was addressed in your fabulous post, and the 911/airplane sync mentioned above was stunning. Here is what I saw: The pizza/pyramids point not at the statue of liberty, but to her crown, which looks like an eye, correctly oriented to the viewer, and emphasized by the crown's rays of light/EYE LASHES.
Jake you called Ben's Benben resonating, but in this shot Ben Ben is explicit. Will "SyncGuide" Smith head rests/held up/puppeteered by a CheckerBoard Pillar smiles cheekily and "Hint hint nudge nudge" points to the pyramid pointing to the eye of illumination, pointing to another pyramid pointing to an eye of illumination called "liberty" who is "pointing" her book in both cases back at the Pyramid, and the torch light of this illumination rising from the eye points to the star/gate (thanks ian) all under the banner: BenBen.
As Keanu "The Virus" Reeves would say, "I know Kung Fu."
Great job Jake and all.
Shine on you crazy diamond!
Have you ever done a The Two Jakes (like your namesake) synch post?
I always saw loads of highly interesting synchs with that and other movies, before I saw any blogs and so forth about synchs.
In case anyone's not aware, it's the sequel to Chinatown.
This 1998 classic musical episode of Xena "the Bitter Suite" is from start to finish entirely tarot symbolism. For example the opening has Xena and Gabrielle going through the threshold of the aquarius waterdoor/stargate to a place called "illusia" (& at the end back again through a similar waterdoor) and Callisto Xena's archnemesis is the Fool, Xena is Isis/the Wise Priestess and her stargate resembling chakram becomes the wheel of fortune with an 8 rayed cross over it...I'd be shocked if this episode cannot be tied into the synchweb somehow so thought I'd point it out. I realize you & steve have a very structured way of doing this but I figure I'd inform you of everything I find nonetheless in case it is a missing puzzle piece your looking for.
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Have a nice day
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