Something borrowed, something blue
And a silver sixpence in her shoe.
My favorite sync of recent memory was described in the post "Something Blue My Mind".
One fine day I watched one episode each of the two shows I was following, "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and "How I Met Your Mother". I have been slowly plotting a sync web for actress Alyson Hannigan, most famous as "Buffy's" Wiccan witch, Willow Rosenberg. AlysON is a Star - an Earthly counterpart of the heavenly phenomena - of both these shows.
It just so happened that on this particular day both episodes of each individual series were called "Something Blue". The shows were also connected through the concept of marriage.
I was considering making a sync post about eggs, as A Few Shots To Shaman had recently done just that and I had a few of my own I wanted to highlight.
The cracked egg with Life inside represents the hard shell of the ego, thought and form. Underneath the seemingly solid exterior of matter and identity resides the good bits. The shell/ego is needed to protect and nurture life, it must at some point be discarded in order for Being to hatch into form.
The opened egg, consciousness freed from the illusion of ego, lies revealed on the symbol of MOM (the octagon as Milky Way)
This is a book about real life 'legit no shit' Contact with the 'Higher Self' or "E-motherfucking-T". Consult Tool's Rosetta Stoned or E.T. Ipsissimus of the A.:A.: for more on such severe foolishness.
You see, if I claim to be able to tell you about your Self, I am like a person who steals your own watch and sells it back to you...
But as the "Black Star" says:
"This aint no time where the usual is suitable" - Mos Def and Talib Kwali as "Black Star" song "Respiration"
The letting go of the ego (hatching from the egg), the alignment of self with other and the Contact experience is ONE (NOW/ZOE/WON).
See Aferrismoon's TrunKated for the O.G. "Lost"/VALIS sync nod.
What really makes this stick in the mind is that the "Something Blue" episode is directly related to the famous wedding tradition of the bride including a blue item on her person during the ceremony.
I suppose one personal interpretation of these 'Something Blue' syncs could be that I am soon to be hitched..
I'll keep you informed if anything develops.
I see no reason why both, or many, colors can't be central to one Stars sync web, so here we go...
The martini shape is that of the 'toroid mouth', the Spirit Subtle Body, the planets energy field, the galaxy etc, etc.. Its the profile view of the primary fractally self similar shape of 'everything'.
Martini Glass was featured specifically in Black Star
The duality and unity between profile and over head views of the fractally Self similar shapes of Totality explored in E.T. Ipsissimus Of The A.:A.:
The female cow gives milk and is easy to associate yet again with alignment as Great Mother/MOM..
I have been trying to remember my dreams lately.
This is facilitated by sharing with my one roommate what ever we remember in the morning.
While washing dishes a few days ago a segment of dream returned into my conscious consciousness:
I was an archaeologist from the distant future and had found a relatively intact and in that context, very rare china plate. The image on the plate was of the distinctive 'blue Chinese motifs' variety, typically depicting a bridge, a boat, a tea house, two birds etc..
It was a very exciting find for me and my colleagues as it revealed pieces depicted on the plate about which little was known. Confirming some abstractions which had been made about the elements on the plate, completely illuminating others...
In my hands were an exact copy of such a plate when the memory of the dream fragment returned.
The same plate type we see at the top of this post.
I thought this was neat and filed it away for the Time Being..
I had no intention of writing about it, relishing instead the idea of posting the following images of Willow as loosely related to the EGGO stuff..
Really its more an excuse to showcase another facet worth considering when investigating movie syncs...
A little detail here is that the olive dissolves into her eye/I/Self.
See especially World Trade Galactic Center for Olive as StarG8 resonator..
It was only when I went online to discover the name of this style of plate when this post was truly born.
Dramatic pause...
The design is called 'The Blue Willow Pattern'.
I necklace hangs in alignment with her subtle body pillar.
I couldn't recommended Aeolus Kephas' new podcast (a 2 part episode: Part 1 and Part 2) with Neil Kramer any higher. Intelligent, elegant and mischievous stuff...
No quite sure what to think of this but. The day before yesterday I got a friend accept on facebook I wasn't expecting. When I turned away from the computer to tell my wife, a Baby Blue Jay hit the window. Wife and daughter let out their cries and shrieks. I picked up the dead bird and we tried to revive it with a magic bag and light coaxing to no avail. The bird was dead. This reminded me of just this passed summer as we took in another injured bird a ...Baby Robin....(no shit)... we found in the middle of the street. I built it a little shelter with a shallow pool. One day I left the bird outside unattended and it ended up drowning in the shallow pool. 'Not a water bird' my wife sarcastically muttered. I found it an interesting coincidence considering all the robin talk 'here' at the time. As a child my mother raised me on strange superstitions, the scariest one of em all was the connection between birds flying into(inside) your house meaning 'death'.
Death having new meaning to me now of course. Maybe this Baby Blue 'J' not making it into my house and failing to shatter the glass is a representation of my inability to shed my ego? Bringing the Robin into my house and having it die in shallow water could have been a precursor to this. I dunno. All I know is I spend more time reading your posts and eventually these strange happenings gain context eventually.
Understanding death in a non-morbid way brings new joy to this K@.
Good work Masterg8or
Word verification
IN BLUE(heh)... eboxiv
I dunno... cool beans
January 28, 2009 11:55 PM
T Birds = Thunder Birds
T Birds are big eagle like birds that fly in storm clouds and bring thunder, lightening and rain to the Earth and its people. They are bringers of spiritually cleansing water from the heavens.
Tight stuff.
Awesome comments.
Much respect
Halo 3 multiplayer map "the pit" one base is labeled K2
I just started dreaming again two days ago. I didn't dream for the last two years, as I wasn't able to (or atleast remember them) when I smoked so much marajauna.
I love Olives, my best friend growing up liked Pimento spread, which I thought was gross. I'd be thinking of Columbines (doves) when discerning the olive synch.
Czechs call fried egg - Volske Oki - Ox-eye [ oddly czech for Bull is Byk [ beak] but for Ox is Vul, which = Bull , for the V-B interchange
Gr8 2 GO 4ward to Trunkated
Beep Beep
Your Dreams got the whole egg thing going to begin with.
Congratulations. You just weirded me out a little bit. That is my MoM's exact china pattern ... [breathe in] ... wow!
Celtic mythology:
The Willow tree since ancient times has always been associated with death. In Northern Europe, the word witch and wicked is derived from the name of the Willow. It is considered to be a tree of enchantment. In Celtic mythology it is associated with the creation myth of two scarlet sea serpent eggs which contained the Sun and the Earth. These eggs were hidden in the boughs of the Willow tree until they hatched, thus bringing forth earthly life. The Willow is also associated with death as it is the obvious conclusion to birth and life. The Sea Serpent, Cat or Hare, Intuition, The Moon, (Llun), The Fire.
Inverted martini glass = pyramid with eye of Horus capstone, beam eminating upward and star g8/saucer.
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