Lost S6 E1 LA X 2 February 2010

When In Rome 29 January 2010

See The Matrix Code
I'm watching Nightmare On Elm Street 4: The Dream Master because of an interest in Andras Jones who plays Rick in this.
Andras is the host of a show called Radio8Ball where audience members and guests celebrities phone in and ask questions to which Andras responds by spinning a wheel, randomly selecting a song and interpreting said song as answer to the question. He had me ask a question recently and wants me further to make videos featuring upcoming guests.
I think its a wonderful opportunity to explore new depths of synchromysticism. Actually engaging the Stars and seeing what results from feedback.

This often happens when a second guess intuition, the intelligence of the greater organism I am part of, in this case the environment, gives me a second chance to make the connection by confronting me with evidence for what I just dismissed.
"Freddy resonates tiger? Nha.. Oh I see, yes he does..."

Thus the Tiger/Jupiter/Freddy as BAD killer is perfectly in keeping with the reality finding joy/God.
Further our dreams are key areas where great healing and spiritual work is done.
See Jim's new video The King of Love is a Dead Man for a perfect illustration of the process of dying as doorway into eternity.
Jupiter/Joy can be seen as the "land of the dead". This is the place WE/ME go once we have left our attachments to our limited perception of ourselves behind; once we have forgiven ourselves and everybody else for anything we perceive as wrong. The total truth is even weirder as WE/ME have in fact always been on Jupiter and are dead already.
The syncs help us accept this by making it vivid as we learn the address on Elm Street in question is 1428.
142 are the numbers of Jupiter.

Clearly the fountain is the floWing release of gushing consciousness from the Divine. It is the NOW.
This past Thursday, 11 February, me and Jim readied ourselves for an experiment to engage with sync on a new level. This was 42 days into the year as well as resonating 11:11 as 11 Feb is 11/2.
We did Ayahuasca that evening as sync suggested this weekend as being singularly momentous. The Friday saw the start of the winter Olympics which entrains perfectly with Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Lightning Thief both having overt Zeus/Jupiter resonance and being the birthday of Abraham Lincoln.
We want to greater incorporate the visionary and ceremonial aspects of Ayahuasca Ceremony into Synchromysticism.
I noted some fascinating syncs about 11 February in the post Robin "11:11 Time for Ascension"involving sync strange attractor and familiar Robins and Robin Tunney.
Entraining with the start of this fascinating weekend and Thursday night ceremony was a new episode of The Mentalist.
The Mentalist S2 E14 11 February 2010

Jane is flipping a coin. It lands heads up 20 times in a row baffling his coworkers including Robin Tunney.
I think to myself: "Coins (coins again?!) have two heads or faces, making them all Janus resonators, no? Nha.."

Later the idea that a coin has two-faces is made unmistakable as Jane explains that the coin did indeed have a heads on both sides all along. He exchanged it for a regular one via slight of hand.

As already stated all coins, even ones that don't have two heads like Jane's in S2 E14 of The Mentalist, can be said to have 'two faces' and thus resonate Janus.

We are forgiven if we should start to suspect this is all quite ridiculous as everything seems to resonate Jupiter when you start looking hard enough.
The trick is unveiled when you realize Joy/Jupiter is everything and everywhere, the point of it all and even the meaning of life. Why bother continue syncing anything then having reached this point, one might ask? I don't know, I just do..

The relationship between Jupiter 42 and Moon 27 is also again perfectly reflected by these two posters.

Scroll back up and contemplate that Shiva sits atop the Tiger, fronted by Yellow Flowers and backed by the trident.

Both Percy Jackson and The Wolfman has fountain moments (Lighting Thief's fountain involving coins central to the story..) but alas I don't enjoy downloading camed torrents for stills unless I feel obliged.

After Valentine's Day (the film not the actual celebration day, that's today silly) yesterday I headed over the the library to look for a book by Alastair Reynolds.
See how Alastair Reynolds influenced the idea that World War 3 (WW3) is actually the World Wide Web (WWW) in post The World War 3 Stargate Mega Ritual.
I saw one called Redemption Ark at the bookstore a few days ago and thought I could save a few bucks by rather getting it at the library. The library had three of his books, two which I had already read and a third which was not Redemption Ark but Pushing Ice. So I grab it, flipping it over, reading the word Janus on the back page, nodding, this must be the one...
Boy is it ever, the entrainment is so wild right now, phew. Love it!
In Pushing Ice a crew of comet miners must divert from there current mission to intercept the Moon of Saturn called Janus. Janus, which appears to have never been a moon to begin with, has broken orbit and is heading out of the solar system. Being the only ship anywhere near enough the Rockhopper must intercept and investigate before Janus leaves for deep space and becomes out of reach.
As I currently read Janus was last heading roughly in the direction of Jupiter. Oh boy..
Note how potently the themes of Jupiter/Janus and Moon have strange attracted via this sync.
"something about Janus. Mythical and Roman, she thought. The two-faced god of ... what? And the name of one of Saturn's moons."
"Janus stopped orbiting Saturn"..."Janus changed direction again, this time turning in the rough direction of Jupiter"
'The simple fact is that it very much looks as if Janus was never a moon in the first place. 'A ship', Svetlana said"
'Janus is about the last place in the system we'd have thought to look for signs of alien intelligence.'
So many of these syncs have been noted by Jim and the other boys at The Sync Whole I would loose count trying to account for all the invaluable help. I think of my fellow G8ors as my other Janus head.
Love to you all.
God of the Seas/Cs/3s
3x3x3 = 27 = moon = control tides and water/seas
In Disneys Aladdin the tiger is seen sleeping beside a peacock fountain. It dreams beneath the bird of Juno.
I recently noticed that if you play about with the word Juno it can become norn.
In Norse mythology three Norns were said to have spun the fate of mankind. This brought to mind Rachel Weisz who had three aspects to her character (Past, Present and Future) in the movie The Fountain. She syncs with the Norn/Juno, the Wholey Trinity. Goddess of the Seas/Cs/3s. I like how Rachel Weisz is soon to star in a movie called Luna.
Keep flying high Jake. It's great fun watching you soar.
Hi Jake, love the post. For more Valentine/Shiva/Horus synchs, all wrapped up into sports, check out the latest Grail Racing post at gosporn - we seem to be channeling the same thing, only differently. :-)
For my friends Wermes...
Canada's Golden Boy!
AB - The JOY of Canada - First Gold Medal Winner - Olympics - Alexandre Bilodeau
Very interesting flow, like a new current! Feel that..
To push symbols to the point where a new realm opens: But to do that one must for example be ready to embrace that everything we thought we were sure of is "wrong"? Take for example the symbol of eternity, GOD (which incidentally turns into the symbol of nothing, zero): Because it can not be represented. Old news.
So what about Janus, again duality? Perhaps One could add (again) to the line of brilliant metaphors that the duality aspect typically lies within the moon. Why? Again, we know that intuitively through her feminine (Selene in Greek) influence on all matter, ebb and flood. In water. In life. Same, same. As with the Universe, and the ages.
Wolf-(Jupiter-dog) is a moon loving creature. Poseidon-son-dolphin is in bond with Jupiter because is mass regulated by gravity? Is not Selene the process of birth and destruction. Like you see what you want to see in her stargate magic mirror!??
NB - The female is constantly turning on and turning out confusing the male rational principle which the constant sun is (a fountain, The Fountain?).
So what about the coin and (ROMAN) Janus? (nice catch) What if the coin is a symbol of (Babylonian) money, which is the opposite side of love (the money changers..). Its so obvious of course that the idea is almost to easy to fend off.
Love is, like the idea of eternity, not to be represented!! (chew on this for a good while..)
It, love, God, nothing, the glue of gravity is simply there, holding things together, taking them apart, to create. All ONE process. Like day and night continually changing due the nature of the fountain behind them?
Now we see the effect of 2D, projected superfical money (as abstract "ideasness")being changed again into the ultimate means of love, as water? What?
..isn't water fluent, life giving, a metaphor for creation? When the illusive Babylonian tower of money falls for the last time in history "IT" is a kind of the ultimate 9-11? Because exactly nothing works, but through love?
The only way for GOD to cheat herself in the end was by creation of money and controlling events to avoid a total annihilation, hence the dark lords are in fact keeping everything going, through the moon (!?.. as the death-star thanks Nexus) to find that the influences of the principle of Jupiter (think gravity, love) will break every barrier with mass like money and its decapitated man-God symbols was ants beneath the feet of an Elephant...?
Be blessed .. with the stuff behind love!
Nice mind food Jake.Hey R.T. Hanson, your words are spot on.For god, to cheat herself? That is tough for me to understand. To have a memory of what will be? R.T. you certainly pose the tough questions. Dennis
Lost s6e4, the substitute
Mystery character Locke, shows Sawer, the cave of names with numbers.
Kwon is 42 they don't know if it is Jin or Sun however. All the other numbers correspond to a single person.
Watching Saturday Night Fever. Songs by The Bee Gees (27.) Remember that picture of the bee hive and the G? The night club they go to is named, 2001 Odyssey. heh.
I don't know about you all but these new BLOB posts are tying together countless thematic threads of PERSONAL experience in the last week.
No use in summing up the whole narrative here as a comment - Gah! Booby traps descending...
The shape of a hEARt is like left and right ear, with no cranium in between. ;)
Loved all the new posts, beutiful as always Jake, be very well :)
Dude! Tigger = Tiger. I get it now! The coming of Tigger = the coming of Tiger = the coming of Jupiter! Now, a very interesting thing that struck me today (a couple of times, 1st when I saw a woman reading the WALL street journal and 2nd when I saw his apology on the all seeing eye station (via YouTube, of course)---TIGER "Woods"! He's everywhere these days! hahahaha! What a joke! It's all a big joke, Jake!!! hahaahh
Here's another fountain synchronicity. The latest storyline in Grant Morrison's Batman and Robin, Blackest Knight, is all about Dick Grayson, the current Batman, using a previously undiscovered Lazarus Pit in an British coal to to try to bring the original Batman back to life.
The Batman that they end up resurrecting turns out to not actually be Bruce Wayne, but an evil clone of him created by Darkseid. Metephorically there's a kind of "dark night of the soul" happening.
Interestingly, after Sayid is resurrected by the fountain at the temple in Lost, the Others tell Jack the Sayid has been infected with some kind of darkness, which may also have infected Claire.
One particular line, spoken by Batwoman, is an almost word for word description of how the fountain at the temple works in Lost.
"Next time I'm ready to experience the agony of multiple fractures and internal injuries, before choking to death in a state of euphoria and rising from the dead with barely any recollection of the event. . . I know exactly where to find you."
Both the show and these Batman issues are coming out at almost exactly the same time, with Batman and Robin being released bi-weekly since this storyline began.
There are a lot of synch-heavy lines in these issues, the newest one especially. The Batman clone talking about "THE SACRIFICE OF A SUN!" to end his torments. . . Batman and Batwoman talking about the new age of crime leading to a new age of crimefighters. . .
And of course the "death/rebirth/return to the womb" symbolism of the fountains is worth mentioning as well.
Once the Batman clone is defeated, it is concluded the original Batman, Bruce Wayne, must still be alive, so things are looking good for Claire and Sayid. The only person who'd known this all along was Tim Drake, my favorite Robin (I know you love Robin syncronicities).
(Could the real secret of Lost be that the fountain in the temple is actually a Lazarus Pit, and all the secrecy going on with The Others is just to keep Ra's al Ghul from finding the island?)
I pulled the following quote off the web. It reminded me of the Freddy movie and how the young adolescent guy has wet dreams and the girl turns into Freddy.
"According to ancient Jewish lore, known from a medieval text, based on lost texts of the same stories, known as The Alphabet of Ben Sira, Lilith is the unnamed wife in Gen 1:27. The story explains why the book was left out of the Pentateuch/Torah, how and why Lilith goes away, and is supposed to explain why babies die early, why men have wet dreams and as a way to demonize women."
You've no doubt seen the 3oh!3 vid with Katy Perry and them messing about in a fountain full of pennies, and picking one makes them irresistable to the other sex...something going on with those fountains methinks..
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